Soup kharcho with potatoes and rice - recipe

Soup kharcho is a national Georgian dish, which is traditionally cooked with beef or mutton. The food turns out deliciously tasty, fragrant, and the whole secret consists in competently selected spices. On the table, serve a bowl of soup with black bread and sprinkle with fresh herbs. Let's look at a few recipes of soup kharcho with potatoes and rice.

The classic recipe for soup kharcho with potatoes



We process the meat, cut into cubes, put it in a pan with filtered water and cook for about 40 minutes on the lowest heat, removing the foam with a foam. Simultaneously wash the rice and soak it for 30 minutes. Potatoes are cleaned, shredded with straws, and onions and garlic are rubbed on a grater. Tomatoes scalded with boiling water, remove the skin and chop the flesh with a knife. Now we pass the onion in olive oil, add a little tomatoes, put the tomato paste and stew for about 5 minutes. When the meat is ready, throw the cooked rice, potatoes, tomatoes and garlic into the pot. Close the lid and cook the soup for 15 minutes. Then add the roast, take 5 minutes, remove the soup kharcho with potatoes and rice from the plate and let it brew.

Pork soup with pork



The meat is washed, cut into pieces, filled with water and cooked broth for 2 hours, removing the foam. We peel the potatoes, shred the cubes. Bulb and garlic are processed and crushed. In the frying pan, melt a piece of butter and let's first dip the onion with garlic, and then spread tomato paste and spices. Stir and weigh for 5-7 minutes. Rice is thoroughly washed and when the meat is cooked, throw it with the potatoes into the pan. After 20 minutes we send the roast in the soup and season with spices. Cover with a lid, remove from heat and let the dish brew for about 15 minutes. After that, pour the grub on the plates, abundantly sprinkle each serving with chopped herbs and season with sour cream.

The classic recipe for soup harschoes with rice



Pork is processed, washed and sliced. Fill meat with water, bring to a boil and remove foam. Then throw a little onion, chopped thin rings, and cook until the meat is ready. We peel the potatoes, shred the cubes. Rice is washed and thrown together with potatoes into a pan. The remaining onions are cut into half rings, we pass to transparency, and then we add tomatoes, crushed cubes, and tomato paste. Fry all together on low heat until a thick sauce is obtained. Purified walnuts are ground with a blender and added to the broth along with the prepared vegetable sauce. Now season with kharcho spices, throw the laurel leaf, add, squeezed through the press garlic and boil the soup for 5 minutes. After that, remove the pan from the plate and insist the dish for 15 minutes. Then we pour the grub on the plates, season with sour cream, sprinkle with chopped cilantro and enjoy the stunning Georgian taste and aroma of the prepared dish!