Creamy garlic sauce

A good sauce can emphasize the taste of any dish or hide some flavor or aesthetic shortages. We offer recipes for cooking garlic and garlic sauce, which for sure will take a worthy place in the list of your recipes.

Recipe for creamy garlic sauce



Garlic is cleaned and very finely chopped with a knife. In a frying pan, melt the butter and spread the cooked garlic. Fry it until soft, constantly stirring, so it does not burn. Then pour in the cream, season with salt, ground black pepper, throw nutmeg and spices and stand on moderate heat until thickening, about seven to ten minutes. Do not forget to stir the contents of the pan during cooking.

The prepared sauce is cooled and served to the table.

Creamy garlic sauce for fish



Finely minced chopped garlic in a dry frying pan with the addition of flour for two minutes. Then pour in the fat cream and mix well, so that the flour is completely dispensed without lumps. Now we throw salt, freshly ground black pepper, spices for fish, nutmeg, and finely chopped fresh greens. We keep on moderate fire for about seven minutes, stirring. At the end of the preparation, add the boiled hard-boiled and finely chopped egg.

We cool the prepared sauce and serve it to the fish.

Creamy garlic sauce with mushrooms for spaghetti



In a frying pan with olive oil fry two cloves of garlic, before cutting it large. Then take the garlic, and in the fragrant oil we lay the previously washed and chopped mushrooms and fry until ready. In another pan or in a saucepan, fry the finely chopped garlic, finely chopped remaining garlic, pour in the cream, add salt, ground sweet pepper, nutmeg and let stand on low heat for five minutes, stirring. Then throw the grated cheese and parmesan and the prepared mushrooms and mix.

Ready sauce with mushrooms is served with boiled spaghetti .