How to make a cat out of beads?

From beads, you can create not only beautiful ornaments, but also flat or three-dimensional figures. In this master class, you will learn how to make a three-dimensional cat out of beads, without using complex patterns of weaving.

Master-class: how to make a three-dimensional cat from beads

It will take:



  1. We paint with black paint a ball of greater diameter, leaving a white circle for a pussy.
  2. Around the dried ball, weave a chain with a cross on its circumference, on a white background - with white beads, on black - with black beads. Having made a strip with a width of 4 beads, we continue to weave, removing in each direction one after the other (up and down) of the number of beads, so that the beads fit tightly to the ball.

Paws and tail

We cut off 5 pieces of wire about 20 cm long, put on a white bead, fold the wire in half, so that the bead was in the middle, and tighten, leaving the tail at the end 4-5 cm long. The longest is the tail, and the shortest - the two front paws.

  1. We pass the tail of the wire through a bead on the ball and wind the rest on the main part of the paw to fix it. So we attach to the ball all 5 limbs.
  2. To floss the leg with beads, the first row is hooked over the beads of the body and we begin to braid the wire with a mosaic band: first we take 3 beads, and then 5 beads.
  3. Having reached the white bead, we begin to weave a white bead with a cross, adding the necessary number of beads to the next row, until the whole bead is wrapped around. We do so with all the remaining wires.


  1. Prepared a smaller ball we paint black and we only braid black beads, as well as the trunk.
  2. We begin to make the muzzle of our cat. Green beads sew on the eyes, and a pink nose and a red mouth weave between the beads of the face. To make ears, we recruit a corner and bracelet the rest. Whiskers do just skipping 3-4 pieces of fishing line through the wicker muzzle.
  3. To attach the head to the body, we add another row of black beads with a cross.
  4. We sew the head with a line to the body, tightly pulling each other.
  5. We make a heart. For this we weave 2 crosses in the form of hearts in a cross-stitch, sew them on the sides, putting in the middle red beads for volume. Sew it to the paws of our finished cat.
  6. By the same algorithm as a cat sewn from a bead, taking balls of smaller diameter, you can make a kitten. And also you can weave from a bead a snake or a spider .