Rheumatoid Arthritis - Causes and Treatment of Joint Inflammation

Rheumatoid arthritis doctors refer to systemic chronic diseases, in which peripheral small joints suffer. It is believed that the disease is autoimmune - the body destroys its own tissues due to a malfunction in its protective system.

Causes of rheumatoid arthritis

The search for the causes of rheumatoid arthritis has been conducted by doctors for decades. There are many symptoms that confirm the infectious nature of the disease:

From another point of view, many factors suggest that rheumatoid arthritis is not an infectious disease:

The reasons described above persuade doctors that the factors that speak of the infectious nature of the disease testify to the struggle of immunity with one's own organism. The protective system destroys the connective tissues of the joints and some organs, perceiving them as alien. It has been proved that a number of infectious diseases can still increase the risk of rheumatoid arthritis, among them;

The genetic predisposition to the fact that rheumatoid arthritis will occur in a certain person is small, but is present. Scientists have already discovered special genes, such as, for example, DRB1, which alter receptors on the surfaces of cell membranes. Because of this, the immune system does not recognize the cells of its body and seeks to destroy them.

In medicine, there is the concept of rheumatoid factor. This is the kind of antibodies that are against their own immunoglobulin G. This immunoglobulin is produced by cells lining the inner surface of the joint. Antibodies together with immunoglobulin G form a complex that triggers inflammation that damages the joint tissues. The presence of rheumatoid factor in the body can be indicative not only of rheumatoid arthritis, but also of the fact that a person recently suffered an infectious disease.

Other factors provoking the appearance of rheumatoid arthritis:

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is a form of the disease inherent in children and adolescents. This type of arthritis is characterized by the fact that not only small but also larger joints suffer, as well as some internal organs - kidneys, heart, lungs. The emergence of a serious illness can provoke many factors:

Rheumatoid arthritis - symptoms

Considering the signs of rheumatoid arthritis, it should be taken into account that not only the joints, but also whole systems of the organism can be affected. The main symptom of the disease is pain in the joints, its spectrum is from noisy to acute, constant or periodic. The disease begins with the joints of hands, feet, knees, elbows, large affected less often. In addition to joint pain, there is inflammation, which decreases with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. In severe disease, the joints swell, blush, and deform. In the morning, the patient is restricted mobility.

Juvenile arthritis begins with inflammation and swelling of large joints - knee, hip, ankle. The disease is accompanied by a fever, a polymorphous rash (during fever), hepatolienna syndrome, lymphadenopathy, internal organs. Muscles attached to diseased joints are atrophied. The skin in the area of ​​inflamed joints becomes thinner. The articular surfaces of the bones can coalesce and form a fixed complex, this phenomenon is called ankylosis.

With kidney damage with juvenile arthritis, amyloidosis develops, which leads to kidney failure. Symptom of kidney damage is protein in the urine, swelling, accumulation in the muscles of urea. If the disease affects the heart, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is complicated by myocarditis or pericarditis . When lung lesions occur pleurisy or sclerosing alveolitis. Hepatolienal syndrome is determined by the increase in the liver and spleen. With lymphadenopathy, lymph nodes in the area of ​​the affected joint increase.

Rheumatoid arthritis - the first symptoms

In 90% of cases, the joints of the hands are first degenerated. When diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis of the hands, the appearance of the first symptoms is more likely in the cold season. In the latent period, up to a clear picture of inflammation of the joints, weakness, sweating, weight loss, muscle pain, asymptomatic fever to subfebrile parameters are observed in patients.

Rheumatoid arthritis of the fingers - the first symptoms:

Rheumatoid arthritis - degree

In clinical medicine, four degrees or stages of rheumatoid arthritis are distinguished:

  1. The first one is characterized by thinning of the bones in the joint area, damage to the joints of the hands, softening of the joint joints and the first stage of periarticular osteoporosis, during this period cysts in bone tissue begin to form, the disease often occurs asymptomatically or with mild symptoms.
  2. The second is the development of bone tissue erosion, the cartilages begin to deform, the mobility of some large joints decreases, edema and redness appear in the affected areas, the pain syndrome becomes palpable.
  3. The third - the bone tissue is greatly thinned, the growth of the connective tissue is accelerated, the mobility of the joints is limited, and salt deposits appear.
  4. Fourth , severe osteoporosis develops, a lot of erosions and cysts are observed in the bone tissue, ankylosis of the knee, shoulder, hip joints occurs, muscles are atrophied and the soft tissue of the joint is completely degenerated.

Rheumatoid arthritis - diagnosis

To pass analyzes on a rheumatoid arthritis begin with the general and biochemical analyzes of a blood which show a picture of developing inflammatory process:

If a suspected rheumatoid arthritis is prescribed:

ACCP in rheumatoid arthritis is the norm

Citrulin is an amino acid that signals a developing inflammation. The body recognizes proteins and forms antibodies that cause autoimmune processes. The study for the presence of anti-citrulline antibodies - ATSTSP with rheumatoid arthritis - is one of the most indicative at the initial stage. With an early diagnosis of the disease, the test is truthful at 90-98 percent. The standard norm of ATSTSP - 3,0-3,1 U / ml, minor fluctuations are possible depending on age and sex.

Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis

Approximately 20 percent of patients are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (seronegative) with a negative rheumatoid factor of 25-30 IU per milliliter of blood. This type of disease has good predictions, but it reacts worse to basic treatment, which requires the doctor to select individual medications. Since false-negative test results are sometimes encountered, it is required to take it several times.

Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis

In the vast majority of cases, the disease of rheumatoid arthritis is accompanied by a positive index of rheumatoid factor - more than 25 IU per milliliter of blood. This kind of disease is seropositive. The higher the index, the more unfavorable the prognosis in the disease. The growth of the factor may be caused not only by rheumatoid arthritis, but also by an infectious disease, therefore it is necessary to take into account other criteria.

Rheumatoid arthritis - treatment

From the competence of a doctor who will decide how to treat rheumatoid arthritis, the patient's quality of life and its duration depend. The seriousness of the disease requires the patient not to underestimate the pain and to seek medical help as early as possible, and from the doctor to conduct a comprehensive study to identify the stage of the disease and the appropriate treatment.

Rheumatoid arthritis - treatment, drugs

Preparations for rheumatoid arthritis perform two tasks:

When the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is performed, new-generation drugs relieve symptoms and help to stop the ailment:

Rheumatoid arthritis - treatment with folk remedies

The diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis of the fingers and other joints requires the use not only of standard drug therapy, it is desirable and use of folk remedies that help reduce pain and inflammation.

  1. Compresses made of red wine. Wine should be warmed, soaked with gauze and compress on the joint for 15 minutes.
  2. Broth of a laurel. A tablespoon of raw material should be boiled in 200 ml of water for 10 minutes, the broth should be infused for 8 hours. Drink 70 ml three times a day before meals.
  3. Ointment from mustard powder. Mix the mustard powder, vegetable oil and honey in the same proportions to a uniform mass. Apply ointment to the joint and wrap it.

Nutrition for rheumatoid arthritis

A strict diet for rheumatoid arthritis is necessary to slow the rate of development of the disease. Councils of nutritionists in this disease:

  1. To include in the diet marine fatty fish, which saturates with fatty amino acids, reduces degeneration of the joints.
  2. To eat boiled rice - it removes excess salts and other harmful substances.
  3. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates, spicy, fried, animal fats, canned foods - this will help to reduce weight, bread from wholemeal bread is allowed.
  4. Limit salt, so that it is less deposited in the body.
  5. Increase the number of fresh vegetables and fruits (except potatoes, eggplants), especially carotenoids - carrots, corn, oranges, apricots.

Rheumatoid arthritis - prognosis

If you follow the recommendations of a doctor, follow a diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle - the prognosis for the patient may well be positive. Yes, rheumatoid arthritis of the foot, hands and other joints will continue to destroy them, but it is realistic to achieve remission. It is very important not to deteriorate your health, so you need:

  1. Refuse alcohol and nicotine.
  2. Lose weight.
  3. Avoid infectious diseases and hypothermia.
  4. Timely rest.
  5. Do swimming, gymnastics, walking.