Cinnarizine - indications for use

Cinnarizine is a medicinal preparation of synthetic origin, which is released in the form of tablets. It belongs to the pharmacological group of calcium channel blockers and has been used in medical practice for a long time. Consider how this medicine works, what are the indications for the use of Cinnarizine and its contraindications.

Composition and therapeutic effect of Cinnarizine

The active component of the drug is a substance with the same name - cinnarizine. Auxiliary components in tablets:

The drug has the following effect when ingested:

Indications for the use of tablets Cinnarizine

The main indications for the use of Cinnarizine are:

Method of application of Cinnarizine

Duration of treatment, as well as daily dosage of the drug is selected individually. As a rule, 3-6 tablets are taken per day, and the treatment course is from several weeks to several months, to a noticeable therapeutic effect. Tablets should be taken after a meal or during a meal, with water and without chewing.

Side effects and special instructions for taking Cinnarizine

In most cases this drug is tolerated by patients normally. However, sometimes the following adverse reactions may occur during treatment:

To eliminate side effects, you can try to reduce the dosage of the drug.

With prolonged use of Cinnarizine, the liver and kidneys should be monitored regularly, and blood tests performed. During the period of therapy, caution should be exercised when driving a car, as well as other activities requiring increased attention and speed of reactions.

Contraindications to the use of Cinnarizine: