Ultimatum ulcers - 10 requirements

Ulcer disease is a chronic pathology that occurs with periods of exacerbation and remission and has a tendency to weight the symptoms. Occurring with the weakening of the protective mechanisms of the body and the intensification of factors damaging the mucous membrane of the stomach (duodenum), a progressive ulcer can lead to conditions that threaten life.

Is there life after ... ulcers?

In modern conditions, in most patients diagnosed with an ulcer, a prognosis with timely treatment is favorable. The correct method of treatment allows not only to eliminate clinical manifestations of the disease and achieve cicatrization of ulcers, but also to reduce the risk of recurrences and complications. But an important role in the process of successful treatment is given to the patient's internal state, his desire to recover.

Yes, after the diagnosis the ulcer will "dictate" its rules, non-observance of which can lead to a worsening of the condition. But if the patient can correctly treat his illness, reconsider his way of life and attitude to it, tune in to an indispensable recovery and will follow all the recommendations, the disease will not affect the quality of life.

Requirements for peptic ulcer disease

  1. Nutritious diet. The first, from which the treatment of peptic ulcer begins, is compliance with the diet . A nutritious diet should exclude food that can mechanically irritate the gastric mucosa, as well as food that greatly increases the release of hydrochloric acid. And, on the contrary, dishes recommended to reduce the inflammatory process and the normalization of the secretory process of the stomach are recommended. The food should be soft, well-ground, slightly warm, steamed or boiled. You can not eat fried, smoked, salted, spicy.
  2. Careful choice of products. Recommended dishes: cereals, boiled vegetables, lean meat and fish, stale bread, soups, vegetable oil, butter, dairy products, jelly, eggs, etc. Prohibited dishes: sausages, canned food, fatty meat and fish, lard, mushrooms, chocolate , fresh bread, tomato sauce, sour fruit and berries, etc.
  3. Diet. Take food with peptic ulcer is recommended 5 - 6 times a day in small portions. At the same time, you can not go to bed immediately after meals, and the last meal should be at least 2 hours before bedtime. When eating, do not read, watch TV, etc.
  4. Rejection of bad habits. Refusal to drink alcohol and from smoking is another important component for successful treatment.
  5. Reception of medicines. In the treatment of ulcers are assigned several groups of drugs:
  • Visit doctor. Patients with peptic ulcer should visit the gastroenterologist at least twice a year. This will allow you to always keep your health under control, to identify signs of deterioration in the early stages.
  • Prohibition of taking certain medicines. There are drugs that can cause exacerbation of peptic ulcer, so you can not take them to patients with ulcers. For example, it's Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Tolmetin, and others.
  • Lifestyle. Patients with ulcers should carefully observe the regime of the day, give enough time to sleep and rest. Work in the night shift, long-term business trips and heavy physical labor are not recommended for the nurse.
  • Spa treatment. Restorative treatment is recommended for resorts with poorly mineralized waters (Borzhomi, Essentuki, Staraya Russa, Pyatigorsk, Morshin, etc.).
  • Elimination of stress. For recovery, a very important role is played by the neuropsychic state. Patients with peptic ulcer should avoid nervous overexertion, get rid of depressions and prevent stressful conditions. It will be useful to have a regular holiday in nature, allocate sufficient time for a hobby.