Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Mastiff is an ancient breed of dogs. Their homeland is Tibet, they also met in Syria and Arabia. History of the breed Tibetan mastiff began back in antiquity. The first mention is found in Aristotle. Mark Polo admired this breed. In all descriptions of ancient authors, the strength and power of the dog, its pure blood, are sung.

The first Tibetan mastiff came to Western Europe in the 19th century. He was presented to Queen Victoria.

Description of breed Tibetan mastiff

Tibetan Mastiff - the owner of a thick head of hair with the same thick undercoat. At any time of year the dog can live comfortably on the street even without a kennel. The representatives of the breed have strong bones and muscles - it helps to be hardy and to overcome long distances even on rough terrain. The character of the Tibetan mastiff is calm, balanced, peaceful, it is a dog for a large family, a guard dog. Mastiff can be trusted by children. The Tibetan mastiff will provide children with safety, become the best friend in games and can even partly fulfill the role of mentor.

The main characteristics of the inner world of Tibetan mastiff - cat features - cleanliness and independence.

The height of the dog can be up to 75 cm, weight - up to 60 kg. Varieties of color:

Above the eyes of Tibetan mastiffs can be golden brown specks. There is a legend that this dog looks at the world with four eyes, that it never closes an eye.

Maintenance and care

To be the master of the Tibetan mastiff means to have a certain status in life. Firstly, the puppies of this breed are expensive, and secondly, it is impossible to keep the Tibetan mastiff in the apartment. The dog needs a lot of space for movement, and some walks here are indispensable.

Care of a Tibetan mastiff, as he can, makes it easier - he keeps himself clean and neat. But a couple of times a year he molts, and the owner should help to get rid of the wool. To comb out in these periods the dog needs daily. The basis for feeding the Tibetan mastiff should be either industrial food or natural. You can not mix them. Veterinarians still recommend ready-made premium food - it contains proteins, fats, vitamins necessary for the dog.

The training of the Tibetan mastiff is easy, because this is a very clever, well-trained dog. But you need to start classes from childhood, otherwise it will be difficult - the dog can show its independent nature. You can not scream and beat a dog. Better to entrust training to a specialist, he knows the psychology of the breed and will be able to socialize your dog, to teach him to get along well with people.


Among the diseases of the Tibetan mastiff there are dysplasia of the elbow and hip joint, osteochondritis, malformation of the pupillary membrane, inflammation of the thyroid gland, Villebrand-Jurgens disease and some others. Also, diseases include abnormal behavior, expressed in aggression, panic. The life span of the Tibetan mastiff is 16 years.

How to name?

Tibetan mastiff is not often found in the homes of dog lovers, both in Russia and in the West. The names of the Tibetan mastiff should be as stately and rare as this dog. You can call the dog Shan (grace), Yu (friend), Nuo (elegant), Guangming (shiny), Yongshen (ever alive). The nickname bears information about the dog, so this case needs to be approached in detail, given the breed and the character.

Tibetan mastiff has practically no flaws. This perfect creation, descended to us from the Tibetan mountains, makes us admire our power and beauty, intelligence, grace and respect them for those wonderful qualities that so often people do not have.