Nausea in the morning - causes

Very many people in the morning are worried about nausea and on an empty stomach they even find it hard to brush their teeth. Many of them consider this phenomenon insignificant and prefer not to pay attention to it. It really can pass with time and do not remind of yourself anymore. But if the feeling of nausea in the morning takes a regular nature, then it is worthwhile to think about the reasons for its appearance, since this can be a serious threat to health.

Nausea in Pregnancy

The most famous and common cause of severe nausea in the morning, of course, is pregnancy. It causes her toxicosis, which is the satellite of almost every future mother in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is not a dangerous pathology, but just one of the signs of normal, healthy pregnancy, a kind of protective mechanism of the woman's organism, which reacts to the fetus as something foreign. Of course, if this condition is accompanied by fever, pain and severe weight loss, then you should consult a gynecologist.

Nausea may occur every morning, and may occur intermittently when taking meals or from extraneous odors. In most pregnant women, such an unpleasant phenomenon stops at a period of 12-14 weeks.

Nausea in the morning with problems with the digestive tract

The causes of nausea in the morning may be a stomach disease, such as gastritis or peptic ulcer. Usually, this condition is aggravated after eating with such illnesses, while also eating may appear during eating:

Is nausea really due to these ailments, will help to identify ultrasound studies of the abdominal cavity, gastroscopy and biochemical and general blood analysis.

An eructation and nausea in the morning can be caused by pancreatitis. Also, with this disease, the stomach is swollen in the patients and aching "dull" painful sensations appear in the right hypochondrium. Sometimes, together with nausea, there is a pancreatitis and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, as well as an intestinal disorder.

If you are worried about nausea and the indeterminate pain in the right side of the abdomen increases, then, most likely, it is appendicitis. Anesthetics or antiemetics in this case do not need to take, and also do not wait for the manifestation of other signs or a decrease in the manifestations of nausea. You just need to call an ambulance urgently.

Poisoning and intestinal infection are another cause of nausea in the morning. With such painful conditions, people also have weakness, a headache and a fever. Over time, even diarrhea may develop.

Other causes of nausea in the mornings

In the morning, nausea and weakness occur with gallbladder disease. Also, the symptoms of this disease are a feeling of raspryaniya, pain in the right hypochondrium, heartburn, metallic or bitter taste in the mouth and increased gas production.

But dizziness and nausea in the morning are the companions of migraine, meningitis and concussion. Also in some cases, this An unpleasant condition causes medication. Usually these are antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The causes of nausea in the morning are: