Vasomotor rhinitis in adults - symptoms and treatment

Nasal congestion for no reason can be a sign of vasomotor rhinitis. The disease occurs due to the impossibility of capillaries located in the walls of the nasal cavity, narrow and expand. Pathological changes in the mucosa are the cause of swelling of the internal tissues of the nose and excessive release of mucus. In the absence of treatment, vasomotor rhinitis in adults can lead to bronchitis, pneumonia or asthma. Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis and methods of treating the disease in adults are discussed in the article.

The causes of vasomotor rhinitis in adults

Most often vasomotor rhinitis occurs as a result of uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drugs. Long-term use of nasal drops of this kind leads to the fact that the body loses its ability to reflexively affect the vessels.

In addition, vasomotor rhinitis occurs as a result of the influence of other factors. Among them are:

Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis in adults

The main symptom of vasomotor rhinitis is a violation of nasal breathing due to congestion of the nose (often alternately one, then the second nostril). The following symptoms are also indicative:

Due to the violation of ventilation in the lungs, blood circulation in the brain deteriorates and the cardiovascular system fails, which in turn leads to a disorder of the nervous system in the form of:

How to cure vasomotor rhinitis in an adult?

The problem, than to treat vasomotor rhinitis in an adult, is relevant for a large part of the population of civilized countries due to the increasing distribution of allergies. Therefore, first of all, it is worth paying attention to the possible permanent effect of allergens. Also, the effect of harmful factors triggering the development of the disease should be eliminated, for example, quitting smoking, etc.

In the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in adults, drugs are used:

Doctors with vasomotor rhinitis recommend physiotherapy methods:

A noticeable effect is produced by such a non-medicamentous way of therapy as a nose massage. Easy tapping with your fingertips over the bridge of the nose and the wings of the nose promotes the release of accumulated mucus.

In the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in adults, homeopathy is also involved. More and more popular are such drugs as:

The composition of homeopathic remedies for the treatment of the common cold includes plants that exert an activating effect on the immune system and regenerate the mucous membranes, including: