Biseptol - an antibiotic or not?

Having bought a treasured box, promising health, according to the prescription in the pharmacy, we always ask ourselves: is it not an antibiotic? After all, they have a lot of side effects, problems with the microflora, and the heart begins to get naughty. Whatever it was, but to destroy the infection without antibiotics will not work. Does it include all known and time-tested biseptol, because the indications for its use are also caused by infections?

What is Biseptol?

The composition of biseptol includes two active substances:

Both are synthetic, have no natural analogs and are among the sulfonamide preparations created exclusively by chemical means. This is their difference from antibiotics - substances of natural origin. Thus, biseptol is not an antibiotic, its pharmacological group is a combination of antibacterial drugs from the category of sulfonamides, which have a different mechanism of action against bacterial cells and have a more sparing effect on the human body.

How does biseptol work?

Active substances in the composition of biseptol suppress the reproduction of microbes, having a bacteriostatic effect. The drug is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, including:

There are a number of drugs containing the same substances as biseptol, the most famous of its analogs are bifunctol, bactrim, duo-septol, greptol, sumometolim, septrin.

What will Biseptol help with?

This drug is indicated for treatment of:

  1. Diseases of the urinary tract - cystitis, urethritis, pyelitis, prostatitis, gonococcal urethritis; Biseptol is effective in pyelonephritis of chronic form.
  2. Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract and ENT organs - chronic and acute bronchitis, bronchiectatic disease, pleural empyema, pneumonia, lung abscess; also prescribe biseptol for otitis, maxillary sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
  3. GI tract infections (gastrointestinal tract) - paratyphoid, typhoid fever, bacterial cholera, dysentery, diarrhea; You can also do with biseptol for poisoning (light form).
  4. In addition, the drug is used in the fight against surgical infection.

Be careful!

The drug has contraindications: Biseptol can not be taken during lactation and pregnancy, as well as patients with hematopoietic disorders and liver and kidney diseases. A separate category - people with individual sensitivity to sulfonamides, it is also contraindicated for them.

Over the long years of use, the drug has proven itself as an excellent sulfanilamide, however, it is not so easy to find it today in a pharmacy. Doctors say that the drug has lost its position: the microbes are used to it and are no longer afraid. This systematically occurs with antibiotics and sulfonamides, this phenomenon is called resistance. In addition, biseptol has an extensive list of side effects and a particularly damaging effect on the liver and kidneys. For these reasons, most doctors unanimously consider the drug "the last century", but conservative doctors still appoint it. In addition, for several decades, biseptol has taken root in the medicine cabinet of the average citizen and has won the status of a medicine "from 99 diseases". Hope its effectiveness or prefer more modern drugs - a personal matter for everyone, because, above all, the pill must be trusted!