Hormonal acne

Any rash on the skin brings a lot of inconvenience to its owner. Acne caused by hormonal disorders, form an inflamed area, which spoils the whole aesthetic appearance.

How does hormonal acne look?

Hormonal acne by its appearance can easily be confused with an allergic rash. They are small in size, but occupy a large area of ​​skin. The color of the hormonal acne is red with a white interspersing in the middle. When pressing on the site of inflammation, there is a sharp pain. Usually, hormonal pimples are localized on the face and neck, but in especially severe cases they can also appear on the chest.

The causes of the formation of hormonal acne in women

Hormonal failure leads to the appearance of acne on the face, not only in girls in adolescence, but also in older women. If in the blood tests an increased amount of androgen hormone, the result is a rash on the skin. In addition, hormonal acne appears when:

Prevention of hormonal acne

To prevent the emergence of new rashes, it is worth following several rules:

  1. Before you begin the treatment of hormonal acne, you need to pay attention to nutrition and normalize your diet. The use of foods with increased amounts of fiber will help in eliminating traces of the disease.
  2. Pay great attention to skin care. Only daily washing lotions, rubbing with tonic and periodic use of masks and scrubs contribute to the prevention of hormonal acne.
  3. Important is the minimization of stress, the exclusion of depressive states and the absence of a bad mood, since the moral state is proportional to the rash on the skin.

How to treat hormonal acne?

It is important that the control over the treatment of hormonal acne is carried out not only by a dermatologist and endocrinologist, but also by a gynecologist.

Specialists, taking blood tests and smears, will determine the level of hormones. Finding out exactly where the imbalance occurred in the system, doctors will provide a medical treatment for this ailment.

If there is a lot of inflammation, an effective assistant in its cupping is iodine. Applying a few drops to the inflamed area, you can speed up the healing process.

With hormonal acne in women, a gynecologist can prescribe oral contraceptive use. Although taking them and long, but hormonal tablets will be able to normalize the balance of hormones in the body.