Vitamins for a teenager of 14 years

All the advice that doctors give comes down to the fact that the best of the vitamins for a teenager of 14 years are those that enter the body as part of a balanced and balanced diet. The ideal option is one where parents have the opportunity to independently compose a teenager's menu, taking into account all the age-specific features of the organism. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account a multitude of factors: constant mental and physical loads greatly exhaust the body. However, in fact, it is not always possible to follow the nutrition of the adolescent. That is why, in order to restore the lack of vitamins and minerals, vitamins for adolescents are needed, from which moms try to choose the best.

What should be considered when selecting vitamins for adolescents?

Most parents have a question, which is how to choose the right vitamins for teenagers and which ones are especially needed.

So unequivocally it can be said that vitamins A, D , C and E, as well as those belonging to group B, are especially important for children of this age. It is known that vitamin A is responsible for the skin condition, C - has a positive effect on the immune properties of the body, D - Responsible for the condition of bones and teeth. Vitamins of group B are involved in regulating the level of protein in the body.

What vitamins are better for giving teenage girls?

One of the best drugs in the group of vitamins for teenage girls is Gravitus . This complex contains 12 vitamins, as well as minerals and iron , which is urgently needed for those girls who have recently started menstruating.

What vitamins do teenagers-athletes need?

In connection with the fact that sports require constant physical activity, all teenagers-athletes need special vitamins, so that the body is always in good shape. The most popular are Vitus , in a series of which there are medications specifically for children involved in sports.

As a rule, all teenage athletes experience multivitamin deficiency. In particular, the body of such children in acute need of vitamins A, C, as well as group B, vitamin E, PP.