10 cool photos that will refresh you in the heat

In the world there are a lot of unpleasant moments associated with weather conditions. But, probably, the most disgusting moment in this case is the feeling of exhausting heat.

You can, at its core, be a "finished merzlyak", but, believe me, you do not want to feel the exhausting heat. Take on arms the ways of fighting from a wonderful selection of photos of people who showed ingenuity and coped with the heat.

1. These children definitely know how to feel the cold in a sultry day.

2. As an option to save from heat - the purchase of a mobile van with ice cream, in which anyone can "cool down".

3. A great opportunity to flaunt the streets of the city naked, not at all embarrassed.

4. To cheer up a little in the heat, you should look for a huge refrigerator in which you can wait.

5. Well, or at worst, you can use refrigerators in supermarkets.

6. If the heat catches up at the most inopportune moment, but not far from the water, then bravely act like this elephant. The people around will understand.

7. Or, in spite of everything, jump into the water, rushing headlong.

8. Forget for a moment that the appearance is important and enjoy it as if you are a polar bear.

9. In the heat, you will be particularly sensitive to the slightest breeze blow, so look for any hole in your house that creates a draft.

10. The easiest way to freshen up and feel the fleeting chill on a hot day is to buy ice cream in the store.