Leakage of amniotic fluid - how dangerous and how to recognize the condition?

Often the leakage of amniotic fluid becomes a cause for concern for the future mother. However, not all pregnant women represent what it is and how to distinguish the amniotic fluid from the vaginal discharge. Let's consider the situation in more detail, we will name the reasons, ways of elimination of the violation.

Amniotic fluid - what is it?

Amniotic fluid is a vital environment for the fetus. Filling the fetal bladder, it prevents the trauma of the fetus, creating favorable conditions for it. So directly thanks to her the baby's body temperature is maintained at one level. Important is the protection that provides the future baby amniotic fluid.

Its volume is unstable, it increases with the growth of pregnancy. This process is noted throughout the gestation period, however, water is produced unevenly. The volume increases with each week. The maximum is reached approximately to the 36th week of gestation. At this time, the volume of the amniotic fluid is 1000-1500 ml. In this case, immediately before the process of childbirth, its quantity decreases.

What is dangerous leakage of amniotic fluid?

Amniotic fluid during pregnancy is vital for the baby's future. Reducing its volume can lead to irreversible consequences. Among these doctors identify:

Causes of leakage of amniotic fluid

When the amniotic fluid during pregnancy flows, a woman should consult a doctor. The main task for doctors is to identify and eliminate the cause of the violation. At the same time, a comprehensive assessment of the situation is carried out. Among the possible reasons, allocate:

  1. Inflammatory and infectious diseases in the reproductive system. As a result of such pathogenic processes, the membranes of the bladder are thinning, in which the fetus is located. Due to loss of elasticity, integrity is impaired. This is possible with colpitis, endocervicitis.
  2. Isthmicocervical insufficiency. With this type of violation, incomplete closure of the cervix is ​​noted. Due to excess pressure, which is caused by an increase in the size of the fetus, the fetal bladder protrudes into the cervical canal. This leads to a violation of its integrity.
  3. Multiple pregnancy. This phenomenon is considered as contributing to the development of the disturbance factor. Because of the increased load on the walls of the bladder, they can not stand and are damaged, causing leakage of amniotic fluid.
  4. Anomalies of development, benign or malignant formations in the uterus. Wrong sizes of the genital organ, the presence of cysts and tumors in it prevent the normal growth of the baby, amniotic membranes. As a result, the walls can be injured.
  5. Physical stress, abdominal trauma can cause discharge of the amniotic fluid outward.

Leak of amniotic fluid in the early stages

Leakage of amniotic fluid during pregnancy, at its smallest time, is fraught with interruption of the process of bearing the baby. If the disorder develops for a period of up to 20 weeks, then the baby can not survive. At the same time, infection of membranes occurs, processes of vital activity are disrupted, as a result of which the baby dies. A woman is purged of the uterine cavity to prevent infection and complications that threaten life.

Incontinence of amniotic fluid in the second trimester

The leakage of the amniotic fluid is often fixed on a long term. It is provoked by increased pressure on the fetal membranes, the mass of which increases several times. When a complication of this kind developed in the first half of the 2nd trimester (before 22 weeks), doctors are forced to interrupt the gestational process. This helps to avoid complications that adversely affect a woman's health.

If leakage of amniotic fluid begins after 22 weeks , then in most cases it has a favorable outcome. The pregnant woman is sent to the hospital, where she is supervised. Doctors conduct a dynamic observation, by performing an ultrasound examination in the gynecological chair of the state of the bubble envelope. At the same time, there is no specific treatment. The efforts of doctors are aimed at improving the condition of the pregnant woman. It all depends on how much time has passed since the start of leakage, caused by the violation of the shell.

How to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid?

To protect themselves and the future baby, the pregnant woman must imagine the signs of this violation. Leakage of amniotic fluid, the symptoms of which can be expressed weakly, has an increasing character - as the volume of fluid increases, the volume increases. If the violation of the shells occurred in a place high up from the neck, the water runs out sparingly. In such cases, pregnant women may not pay attention to this phenomenon, taking it for vaginal discharge. Among the obvious symptoms of leakage is:

How to distinguish the discharge from leaking amniotic fluid?

To be able to distinguish a violation from the norm, every pregnant woman should clearly understand what the leakage of amniotic fluid looks like. Among the main manifestations:

When the rupture of the bladder is very small, the definition of pathology is possible only with the use of a special test or a smear. Larger tears can be diagnosed by the woman herself, at home. For this:

  1. Visit the toilet and completely empty the bladder.
  2. Wash thoroughly and wipe dry.
  3. On the sofa lay a sheet, dry and clean and lie down on it without underwear.
  4. If in 15-20 minutes on the sheet appeared wet spots, the probability of leakage is high. The effectiveness of such a simple test is more than 80%.

What color is the amniotic fluid during leakage?

The color of the amniotic fluid during leakage can be different. This complicates the possibility of diagnosing a violation. In most cases, the water is transparent, has no color, so it is difficult to determine them in the footsteps on the sanitary towel. Occasionally, the amniotic fluid becomes pinkish. When infected with amniotic fluid, they can become greenish, yellow, cloudy. However, in such cases, another clinic is noted, which helps to diagnose pathology.

A test for determining the leakage of amniotic fluid

Diagnose the pathological condition of a pregnant woman with the help of special means. There are pads to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid. Their action is based on a change in the color of the indicator, depending on which environment the contact occurred with. Initially, it has a yellow color (corresponds to the pH of the vagina 4,5). Other liquids give it a greenish-blue color. In amniotic fluid the pH is the highest. This allows you to diagnose leakage of lean amniotic fluid.

Analyzes for leakage of amniotic fluid

Talking about how to recognize the leakage of amniotic fluid, doctors note that it is difficult to do this with a small volume. In such cases, a violation is diagnosed by laboratory methods, among which:

Does ultrasound determine leakage of amniotic fluid?

Leakage of amniotic fluid, the signs of which are named above, can be diagnosed with the help of ultrasound. In such cases, on the screen of the monitor, the doctor assesses the extent of the disorder, the localization of the rupture of the amniotic membrane. With a little violation, this technique is ineffective due to the impossible visualization and complexity of detecting the defect of the amniotic fluid.

Leaking amniotic fluid - what to do?

If the pregnant woman suggests leakage of amniotic fluid, a specific treatment of which is not available, you should contact your doctor. In this case, the tactics directly depends on the duration of the period with a cat, a decrease in the volume of the amniotic fluid. Therapy is based on: