How to prescribe a newborn in an apartment?

The registration of newborns is a legal issue that implies certain norms and is prescribed in the relevant laws of the Civil, Housing and Family Codes. In this article we will consider questions about where and how to prescribe a newborn child, what documents are needed for this, whether it is necessary to prescribe a child and many others.

Where is the child prescribed after birth?

According to the law, the decision on the place of registration of a child directly depends on his age. So, children from birth to 10 years can be prescribed only with parents (or with one of them). In the future, the child with his consent can be prescribed from other relatives, and from the age of 14 he has the right to choose where he needs to be registered. This means that you can register your child, for example, with your grandmother, even if your parents are not registered there, only after 10 years.

If the parents do not have a child or they have been deprived of parental rights, the obligation to provide the child with a place of residence is assigned to the state guardianship authorities.

What do you need to prescribe a child?

As a rule, it is not difficult to register a newborn child in an apartment. To do this, the following documents should be submitted to the jack at the place of registration (for private houses - at the passport office):

If the parents officially reside separately from each other, the child is registered with one of them, and the second parent must be present at the time of filing the documents in order to sign their consent to the residence permit of the child with their spouse. In addition, you need to provide a certificate from the place of residence of the second parent that the child is not registered there (this is necessary to exclude the possibility of a dual residence permit).

It should be borne in mind that the question of where to prescribe a newborn child is decided only by his parents and no one else. They can register a child even without the consent of the owner of the housing, if they are not themselves. This also applies to rented housing: parents can instill in themselves their minor child up to the age of 18 without the consent of the owner of the apartment and other tenants.

Another important point is the timing of the registration of newborns. In general, it is necessary to register at the new address not later than 10 days from the moment of starting the residence at this address. But at the same time no law regulates the specific terms for the registration of newborns, because life situations are different. If such an opportunity exists, it is best to prescribe the child as soon as possible in order to arrange material assistance from the state for the care of the child in time. If the child is not registered anywhere, you simply will not be able to formalize this assistance in the social protection agencies.

Is it possible to prescribe a newborn baby temporarily? You can not, as long as he does not have a permanent residence permit. Later on, if there is a need to obtain a temporary residence permit, the child is registered with one of his parents for a certain period (from 6 months to 2 years).

Rights of the child registered in the apartment

Minor children as representatives of the most insecure strata of the population have priority rights in the case of residence permits. This is expressed in the following:

Nevertheless, if the child is registered, but not included in the number of homeowners, he can not claim a share in this apartment, but simply has a priority right for residence and discharge.