Russian folk poteshki

As soon as the long-awaited baby was born, happy parents immediately strive to master the newest and fashionable methods of early development, thanks to which their child should become almost a small child prodigy. But do not forget about the most simple and well-known in the old days of the way of studying with the child - Russian folk plays, which are familiar to each of us since childhood. This is a real treasury of knowledge and wisdom, passed down from generation to generation.

Why do we need nursery rhymes?

Sometimes moms and dads of the nursery rhyme seem a bit ridiculous and outdated, but in fact they have a deep meaning. The crumb that they often read as a child will always be one step ahead of the world in comparison with their peers. Any Russian folk poteshki for children will help your child:

  1. From an early age to join the native culture (usually recommended to acquaint them with children aged 6 months to 3 years), absorb it with the mother's milk, which later can awaken in him an interest in reading, literature and the history of his homeland.
  2. Develop speech before peers who are not familiar with folklore. Russian folk poteshki for the youngest allow the kid as early as possible to understand the native speech, form the correct sound production and cause a lot of positive emotions. You can tell them about almost anything.
  3. After awakening, gently sing to the child:




    You grow!

    Grow legs -

    Running along the path,

    Grow up handles -

    Get to the cloud,

    Rain from the cloud squeeze,

    Our garden to water!

    Grow big,

    Do not be noodles!

    Eating porridge,

    Listen to Mom!


    Then start washing your son or daughter, saying:

    Arrived birds,

    They brought water.

    We must wake up,

    It is necessary to wash,

    That the eyes glittered,

    To cheeks burned,

    So that the rook laughs,

    To bite the tooth!


    During the meal will come in handy such Russian folk poteshki:

    As to the birthday of Vankin

    They were looking at an epic pie -

    This is such a height!

    That's the width!

    Eat, Vanechka the friend,

    Name pie -

    This is such a height!

    That's the width!

    Eat-eat well,

    Soon you will grow big -

    This is such a height!

    That's the width!


    There is a goat horned

    For the little guys.

    Who does not listen to his mother?

    Who does not eat porridge?

    Who does not help my father?

    He's well! He's well! He's well!


    Sweetly and calmly fall asleep to the sounds of a gentle mother's lullaby, the following songs will help the child:


    Sleeping a long time in the woods top,

    He sleeps without a bark,

    Yes, without flipping,

    Without a fan coil,

    Without a flicker!


    Come on, fall asleep!


    Bayu-bai, bayu-bye!

    Babay got into the house!

    He climbed under the bed,

    He wants to take the child.

    But we will not give Vanya,

    We need Vanya for ourselves.

    Bayu-bai, bayu-by,

    Flee from us Babay!


    Bayu-bai, I must sleep,

    Everyone will come to rock you!

    Come horse - calm,

    Come pike - lull,

    Come som - give us a dream,

    Come pestrushka - give a pillow,

    Come piggy - give a feather,

    Come cat - close your mouth,

    Come caress - close your eyes!

    Bayu-bai, I must sleep,

    Everyone will come to rock you!


    A good mood for mom and baby will create such poteshki:

    Lived with the granny

    Two happy geese.

    One gray,

    Another white -

    Two happy geese.

    Washed geese legs

    In the puddle near the groove.

    One gray,

    Another white -

    They hid in a groove.

    Here screams grandmother:

    "Oh, the geese were gone!

    One gray,

    Another white -

    Geese, geese! "

    Goose went out,

    Grandmothers bowed.

    One gray,

    Another white -

    Grandmothers bowed.



    Where were - at the grandmother!

    What they ate - kashka,

    What drank - a bouquet!


    Again we go to my grandmother!

  4. Understand the meaning of words, especially with frequent repetitions of nursery rhymes, where parts of the body, clothing, etc. are mentioned. While speaking them, the mother points to the objects that she calls, and the child learns these names more quickly.
  5. As soon as possible to work out the correct sound. After all, even in the shortest Russian folk plays, the same sounds and words are constantly repeated, for example:
  6. PetushO-Oak, Cock-O-Ok GoldO-Oy grebeshO-Ok;

    Oh, DU-DU DU-DU DU-DU, lost the shepherd DU-DU;

    KI-ska, KI-ska, KI-ska, shave

    On the path do not sit down! KITTY KITTY KITTY!

  7. To teach a child to imitate animals and musical instruments, which stimulates his thinking:
  8. Our ducks from the morning-a-a Krya, krya-a, krya

    Our geese at the pond-a-a Gag! Gaga! Gaga!


    Imitation of the pipe - oh, du-doo,

    flutes - ah, lulis,

    bells - tili bom,

    guslam - tren-bran.

  9. To promote the development of thinking and intellect and enrich the vocabulary thanks to finger games based on Russian folk rhymes:
  10. Magpie-white-beaked

    Porridge was cooking,

    She was nursing!

    This was given,

    This was given,

    This was given,

    This was given,

    But she did not give it:

    "You did not carry water,

    You did not cut wood,

    You did not burn the stove,

    You did not wash the cup!

    We'll eat porridge ourselves,

    And we will not give lazy people! "


    This finger wants to sleep,

    This finger went to bed,

    This finger nailed,

    This finger really fell asleep!

    And the last - the fifth finger

    Shustro jumps like a bunny.

    We will now lay him down

    And sleep with you too!

The best results are achieved if you are engaged with the child regularly and with pleasure: then he grasps everything on the fly.