Glands swelled up

Inflammation of the glands is accompanied by quite severe pain and fever . Consider what causes the tonsils are inflamed and what to do to quickly get rid of the problem.

Why do the tonsils become inflamed?

Glands are a paired organ, whose activity is aimed at maintaining immunity. Almost any virus or bacterium can not penetrate the respiratory tract, bypassing the palatine tonsils. It is these organs that are the main protectors of the respiratory system.

Once a pathogenic virus or bacterium enters the surface of the gland, the body sends a decent amount of white blood cells to this zone, which will destroy the dangerous "guest". As the infection is controlled, the body learns to recognize it and as a result begins to develop specific antibodies that can stop the inflammatory process in the embryonic state.

However, not always immune defense is at the proper level. In this case, and the tonsils are inflamed. Understand that the tonsils are inflamed, easily, since the characteristic symptoms are reddening of the surface, the presence of abscesses.

What to do at home if the tonsils are inflamed?

Treatment of tonsillitis is carried out by drug therapy. It is not excluded the appointment of antibiotics. Independently it is possible to use the widespread national recipes, helping to eliminate painful sensations more quickly.

Recipe with propolis and melted butter


Preparation and use

Spirituous tincture of propolis is added to melted butter. The product dissolves slowly. After several applications, the pain is significantly reduced.

Recipe with beets


Preparation and use

A well washed beet without a tail is wiped through a fine sieve. Mass pour an equal volume of boiling water. Insist means for 7 hours, so it is better to cook it for the night. The infusion is used every 2 hours to rinse the pharyngeal cavity.

Recipe with lemon and sugar


Preparation and use

The components are mixed and divided into 3 parts. The product dissolves slowly.

Than to treat the inflamed tonsils, the doctor will prompt. Self-medication is fraught with deterioration and complications. Therefore, even folk remedies should be used with caution.