Chronic bronchitis - symptoms

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchi with a lesion of their mucous membrane. There are two forms of the disease - acute and chronic. In chronic bronchitis pathological modifications are observed in all structural elements of the walls of the bronchi, and lung tissue is also often involved in the inflammatory process. It is believed that the process is chronic if the cough lasts at least 3 months a year for two years.

Causes of Chronic Bronchitis

Among the factors influencing the development of the disease, identify the main:

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis in adults

The main sign of chronic bronchitis in adults is a constant cough with the release of a large amount of mucus. Initially, the cough is worried only in the mornings, but eventually it appears at night and in the daytime, it burdens in cold and damp weather.

Uncomplicated form of chronic bronchitis is characterized by the release of clear mucous sputum and the absence of bronchial obstruction (chronic non-obstructive bronchitis). Purulent form is characterized by the presence of pus in the cough to be separated. As the disease progresses, breathing becomes more difficult, especially during physical exertion, dyspnea and other respiratory disorders develop, including severe pulmonary ventilation disorders.

Often, chronic bronchitis is accompanied by symptoms such as:

The exacerbation of chronic bronchitis is said when there is a significant increase in the above symptoms:

Symptoms of chronic smoker's bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis of a smoker is a form of the disease, the development of which is inextricably linked with smoking (both with active and with passive). It is characterized by a constant dry or wet cough with which smokers are so used that they simply do not pay attention to it.

Diagnosis of chronic bronchitis

The diagnosis of chronic bronchitis can be made by the attending physician only after at least two years of observation. A number of special diagnostic examinations are also conducted:

Treatment of chronic bronchitis

Like any other chronic disease, chronic bronchitis requires long-term treatment - both with exacerbation, and in the asymptomatic period of the disease.

During the exacerbation of chronic bronchitis the following types of medicines are prescribed:

In some cases, medical bronchoscopies are recommended (rinsing of bronchi with medicinal solutions). Also used breathing exercises, physiotherapy.

Outside exacerbations, inhalations of holin-blocking agents are used to reduce mucus production and narrowing of the bronchi. This helps improve the mucosal state and reduce the number of exacerbations.

In the absence of adequate treatment, chronic bronchitis can lead to the development of complications such as respiratory or heart failure.