Why Vitamin A is useful for women and the daily norm

Retinol is not accidentally placed on the first place in the general alphabetical list of vitamins: it is the main participant in oxidation-reduction processes and is a part of cell membranes. What role does vitamin A play in the body, for which it is useful, the consequences of an overabundance and a lack is a rather important issue.

Benefits of Vitamin A

It is of special value for the human body, because this vitamin, which is absorbed only in fat, forms the skeleton, bones and teeth, is responsible for our immunity. With sufficient intake of retinol in the body, the barrier functions that perform mucous surfaces increase. Under the influence of phagocytic activity of leukocytes and other nonspecific factors, the organism better resists the negative effects of viruses and bacteria.

Functions of vitamin A are the formation of fat metabolism. It is useful for activating the growth of new cells and slowing down the aging process. Retinol promotes recovery in herpes, measles, urinary tract infection , digestive tract and respiratory organs. This substance is an integral part of the complex treatment of all ailments of the skin, those that are caused by various injuries.

Vitamin A in foods

In the form of retinoids, the body receives it from products of animal origin, which include:

In the form of carotenoids, it enters the body together with food of plant origin. Foods rich in vitamin A:

Why Vitamin A is useful for women?

Retinol is necessary for pregnant women during the GW period. He is responsible for the normal development of the embryo and its nutrition. With its "feed" there is a synthesis of steroid hormones and spermatogenesis. If we talk about such a substance as vitamin A, which is useful, it is worth saying that the condition and work of the mammary glands, which consist of fatty tissue, depend on the amount of fat-soluble vitamins, and hence retinol. It regulates the chemical processes in the cells responsible for lactation, so doctors recommend that nursing mothers and women in the position additionally take vitamin complexes.

The lipid base of the body is formed by the action of retinol, which produces a component released from the sebaceous glands and lubricating the skin and hair. Therefore, vitamin A is of great importance for beauty: it accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis, stimulates the production of collagen, is responsible for the elasticity and saturation with its moisture. This useful antioxidant fights against free radicals, protecting them from the brain's cellular membranes, increasing the level of useful cholesterol and preventing the development of heart and artery diseases.

Vitamin A for the face

Benefits for the face:

  1. Eliminates inflammation. Under his influence, the face is cleansed of acne and black spots.
  2. Eliminates vitamin A from wrinkles due to the ability to improve metabolic processes and blood circulation, stimulate cell renewal.
  3. Aligns the complexion.
  4. Moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  5. Protects against negative environmental hazards.

Vitamin A for Hair

Hair Benefits:

  1. Increases elasticity and shine.
  2. Regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, preventing dryness and development of associated seborrhea.
  3. Vitamin A is useful for hair growth.
  4. Protects the vegetation from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.
  5. He struggles with loss.

It can be found in the composition of serums, masks, eye creams, etc. It is sold in its pure form, which makes it possible to add it to home-made preparations. However, rejuvenating face masks are recommended only after 30-35 years, when the body produces collagen is not enough. Compositions with retinol help to achieve softness and elasticity of hair. They will be easily and simply laid, and the appearance will change noticeably. Vegetation will become stronger, get rid of tarnish and dry tips, and the visible effect comes almost immediately.

Vitamin A for the skin

Than useful for the skin:

  1. Increases elasticity and protective functions, preventing penetration of epidermal cells of bacteria and viruses.
  2. Accelerates the healing of cuts, wounds, ulcers and other injuries.
  3. Fights dryness of the epidermis in winter. It is vitamin A, whose skin benefits are invaluable, is the main active substance of hygienic lipsticks, body milk, intimate hygiene products, etc.
  4. It struggles with such diseases as dermatosis, psoriasis, furunculosis, inflammation of mucous membranes, with so-called "zaedami" in the corners of the mouth.

Vitamin A for Nails

Benefits for nails:

  1. Eliminates excessive dryness and foliation.
  2. It struggles with fragility and the appearance of burrs on the okolonogtevom platen.
  3. Useful vitamin A and E for nails contribute to the growth of nail plates.
  4. Smoothes the surface of the nail, eliminates ribbing.
  5. Increases strength.

Retinol restores and strengthens the epithelial cells, of which the skin consists. Those who are interested in why vitamin A is useful, it is worth saying that it makes the skin velvety and tender to the touch with a homogeneous structure and color. With its lack, there are various problems, and resistance to negative effects from the outside falls. As for the nails, there are special curative varnishes, which are recommended to use in the intervals between manicure or with it. They have a curative effect, making the nails strong and healthy, strong and beautiful.

Daily requirement of vitamin A

The daily required dose for a person is 10,000-25,000 IU, which in terms of μg is 3000-7500, depending on body weight. The norm of vitamin A for children varies between 400 and 800 micrograms per day. Useful vitamin capsules are taken twice a day - 10 minutes after the morning meal and evening meal. However, the digestibility of retinol depends on the amount of vitamin E that the body receives. It prevents the oxidation of vitamin A in the intestines and tissues. To break the process of absorption may also be a deficiency of zinc.

Lack of vitamin A

Deficiency of this beneficial substance in the body can lead to serious consequences. There are three stages of development of avitaminosis:

  1. At the primary stage, the work of some internal organs is disrupted. No obvious signs are observed, but a person can feel deterioration in performance, a decrease in the tone of the body and the ability to resist viral infections.
  2. In the second stage, symptoms of a decrease in immune defense appear.
  3. At the third stage, the diseases associated with acute deficiency of retinol - pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, cancer, impaired reproductive function, decreased libido.

If the body lacks vitamin A , the skin is dry, the condition of the teeth worsens, and "night blindness" develops. A person becomes apathetic, does not sleep well, quickly becomes tired. Increased predisposition to enteric infections, cysts in the liver, erosion of the cervix and mastopathy in women. Men may face problems associated with erectile function.

Excess of vitamin A

This condition is fraught with the appearance of signs of toxic poisoning: vomiting, nausea, headache, weakness, enlargement of the liver. More often, similar consequences are caused by retinoids: poisoning with vitamin A in the course of the abuse of plant foods rich in carotenoids occurs less often. However, there is a disease such as carotenic jaundice, in which the skin becomes yellow due to excessive consumption of plant foods containing a large amount of beta-carotene.

Vitamin A - contraindications

These include active allergic reactions and hypothyroidism. Taking medications containing vitamin A, they will bring harm if retinol in their composition will enter the body together with retinoids, which together will intensify the toxic effect. Pregnant medicines on its basis should be consumed only according to the doctor's indication and in a strictly defined dosage, otherwise it threatens to disturb the development of the fetus and the birth defects of the skeletal mass of the child.