Is it possible to drink tea in fasting?

Lent is a special time in the life of every believer. This is the period when you need to adhere to strict restrictions in food, to give up harmful food and not just habits, to give time to spiritual purification and self-improvement. There are quite a few rules about how to fast. And the people of the world do not always know what products can be included in the lean diet, and what not. For example, many are interested in the question of whether you can drink tea in fasting. After all, to give up this toning drink many simply can not. After all, Lent last for almost a month and a half and it is very difficult not to break it, giving at least a small slack, even if it concerns the most popular hot drink.

The use of tea in the post - you can drink or not?

According to the church canon, lean food should not contain animal fats and generally be of animal origin. Therefore, during this period it is desirable to exclude from your daily menu fish, meat, butter, milk, etc., products. There are also a number of restrictions regarding drinks. In particular, drinks based on milk, alcohol and cocktails on its basis are prohibited. However, this prohibition does not apply to tea. It is a simple infusion of leaves of a bush plant and has nothing to do with animal nutrition.

Moreover, drinking tea during fasting is even recommended. This drink contains a huge amount of biologically active substances and vitamins. And their benefits will be felt by the body even more than usual, since parts of the nutrients we lose because of the restriction of the diet. So, rich and thick Puer tea has a cleansing effect and helps maintain a feeling of satiety after taking a low-calorie lean food. Green tea improves the metabolism, which can be somewhat disturbed due to a change in the habitual menu. Fruit and herbal teas saturate cells with antioxidants and allow you to keep cheerful.

Most disputes are, perhaps, the possibility of drinking tea on dry days, when the products can not be heat treated. And you can eat only fresh vegetables and fruits, previously baked bread, nuts, sauerkraut, etc. However, tea, unlike coffee, which is brewed, does not belong to the forbidden category of products. It is considered an infusion - the leaves are filled with hot water after it boils. Therefore, even on dry days, tea can be safely drunk.

Is it possible to drink tea on the first day of fasting?

Quite often, believers ask, not only about whether you can even drink tea during fasting, but also about whether it is permissible to drink this drink at the very beginning of the meal. After all, as you know, the first week of Lent, and therefore the first day, the most stringent. Of course, if willpower and health allows, then at this time it is worth to arrange a day of unloading and choose to drink plain water. However, the ban on drinking tea these days is not canonical, which means that you can afford a cup of this hot drink without risking breaking the fast.

With what you can drink tea in Lent?

Another important issue, which is certainly worth mentioning - you can post tea with sugar or other sweets. Here, too, has its own nuances.

  1. You can drink tea with sugar, honey or artificial sweetener.
  2. But the amount of sweet tea is still limited to 1-2 cups a day, so as not to spoil yourself. Otherwise, the meaning of fasting is lost.
  3. Lean are considered such sweets as dried fruits, candied nuts, kozinaki from sunflower seeds, baking without butter and milk, jam, marmalade on the basis of agar-agar.