Postabortion syndrome

It is unlikely that there will be a woman who will remain calm and cheerful after going through the procedure of artificial termination of pregnancy .

On the one hand, abortion solves certain women's problems, but on the other - it leads to the emergence of new ones. Abortion for a woman whose main purpose is the birth of children is not only a physical problem, such as postabortion endometritis, but also a deep emotional, psychological, and spiritual trauma. If she goes far enough, then in this case they say about postabortny syndrome.

Most often this syndrome occurs in women:

How is the post-abortion syndrome manifested?

Symptoms of this syndrome are:

All this can lead to certain deviations in the behavior of women. She may begin to abuse alcohol or drugs; there may be difficulties in dealing with men; coldness in sexual life, panic attacks or physical stress in case of mention of abortion; avoiding attachment to anyone.

Postabortal Rehabilitation

To recover after an abortion a woman can be helped by the support of her loved ones or by the help of an experienced psychologist. Otherwise, the emotional problems of a woman who survived the artificial termination of pregnancy, can degenerate into the deepest depression.

A woman in this situation needs to throw out her feelings and experiences in a conversation with relatives, friends or a psychologist who will understand and support her. At the same time, the woman herself must also make efforts to "pull out" herself from post-abortive stress. To do this, she needs to make herself happy - to communicate with people, to do her favorite things, to find new interests, even if this all seems to her to be meaningless.

Many women resolve their post-abortion syndrome through the birth of a child or adoption (as an atonement for their guilt).