Artificial termination of pregnancy

Artificial termination of pregnancy or abortion is the termination of pregnancy in the obstetric-gynecological medical institution. Abortion in other places and with private specialists is considered illegal (for this, the law provides for criminal liability).

Types of artificial termination of pregnancy

Abortion can be performed in various ways:

  1. Vacuum aspiration . It is used at the term of 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy is interrupted without the expansion of the cervical canal by inserting into the uterus a tip that is connected to the vacuum producing device. With the help of his fetal egg is separated from the uterine wall.
  2. Instrumental abortion. Applies up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. With the help of special tools, the cervix is ​​expanded, followed by scraping its inner surface and removing the fetal egg.
  3. Artificial termination of pregnancy using the drug Mifegin (Mifepriston, RU426). It is performed before 8 weeks of pregnancy. In the presence of a doctor, a woman takes 3 tablets. After 1-2 days, it should begin bleeding, which indicates the rejection of the fetal egg.
  4. Intraamnial administration of hypertonic solutions. It is used from 13 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. A tube with a long needle is inserted into the cervical canal to puncture the fetal bladder. In the amnion after this, a hypertonic solution is introduced.

Consequences of abortion

Abortion, regardless of the way it is performed, is a serious blow to women's health. After all, if the pregnancy is interrupted:

First, there is a hormonal failure that leads to a mismatch between the endocrine and central nervous systems; secondly, there may be a rupture of the uterine wall by an operating instrument; Thirdly, the fetal egg can not be completely removed, which leads to various inflammations.

In addition, abortion can lead to infertility, exacerbation of gynecological diseases, development of ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous miscarriages.

Artificial abortion is not only the interruption of unwanted pregnancy, it is the interruption of the life of an unborn yet already living person who poses a serious ethical problem, both for women and for society.