Iridescent cake

Bright and colorful delicacies are fondly loved by children, but adult full-color dessert will not leave you indifferent. If you want to achieve a "wow" effect while serving sweets, then definitely prepare a rainbow cake. The name completely describes the appearance of the dish: bright layers of cakes, colored with food coloring, are added to the rainbow, interchanging with a gentle cream.

How to make a rainbow cake - recipe

As part of this rainbow cake, the cakes will be prepared from a simple biscuit dough, but we will prepare the cream from a delicate mixture of cream cheese and soft butter.


For the cake:

For cream:


While the oven is warming up to 180 degrees, prepare the biscuit mixture by combining the soft butter with the sugar. When the mixture becomes soft and airy, pour in the vanilla and start adding eggs. Mix the remaining dry ingredients and start adding them to the dough alternately with milk and kefir. When the dough is ready, distribute it to 7 equal parts (for this purpose it is better to use the weights) and mix each of the parts with a few drops of food color until you achieve the desired shade. Rainbow cakes for cake are baked in a preheated 180 degree oven for 18-20 minutes.

If you want to make a rainbow cake with natural dyes, then use for this purpose fruit, berry and vegetable juices. It is impossible to repeat exactly the shades of the rainbow, but it is quite possible to create bright layers. Use the juice of carrots, spinach, beets, blueberries and blueberries, as well as their mixtures.

Before you collect the cake, let each of the cakes completely cool down, and then grasp the preparation of the cream. For cream, beat the soft butter and powdered sugar, pour the vanilla extract and repeat the whipping. Now start in portions to lay cream cheese, without stopping the mixer's stroke. Ready cream for rainbow cake should be light and homogeneous.

Spread the creams with cream, folding together, and the remainders are distributed outside. There are a lot of options for decorating, but the simplest and brightest of them is the sprinkling of dainties with colored sugar beads.