Mixed planting of vegetables in the garden

One of the progressive methods of agriculture are mixed planting in beds, which allow you to abandon the use of chemicals and artificial fertilizers. The essence of the method is the cultivation of various crops in a limited area. The advantages of mixed landings include the following:

But at the same time mixed planting of vegetables, berries and greens on the garden have certain rules. Only by adhering to them, you will achieve your goal:

  1. In the center of each ridge, you should plant a culture that ripens long (for example, cabbage or tomatoes).
  2. On the sides are usually placed quickly maturing plants - radish, parsley, spinach , etc. They are compatible with most vegetables and well stimulate the development of the main culture. Plants for lateral planting should be short, so as not to obscure the center of the ridge, and with a compact root system.
  3. Also on the bed it is desirable to plant strong-smelling herbs that repel pests and attract useful insects (it can be basil, lemon balm, sage).
  4. The bed should not be wider than 1 m, so that it would be convenient to process.

Examples of mixed landings

Mixed planting of vegetables in the garden is based on the compatibility of plants. So, zucchini well combined with radish and beans, and next to potatoes, it is better not to plant them. Beetroot will be an excellent neighbor for cabbage and bad for tomatoes. Rows of garlic should be surrounded by planting carrots and aubergines, and peas can be planted next to most of the garden crops, except for beans, garlic and onions. More detailed conditions of compatibility of vegetables you can see in the table.

Mixed planting of vegetables in the garden is one of the methods of biodynamic farming. Often such a method is called the word "melange".