Perennials for summer cottages, blooming all summer

Strangely enough, but to give the villa site always a smart and well-groomed appearance can and without the daily grueling labor on the flower bed. Few people know that to achieve the same result at the dacha you can and planting there blooming all summer unpretentious flowers-perennials. About what perennials are blossoming all summer, not requiring thus in complex leaving, we and shall talk today.

10 perennials blooming all summer

Low-grown perennials, blooming all summer long

Making only the initial steps in floriculture should listen to the advice of experienced colleagues and start breeding flowers at the cottage with flowering all-year-long dwarf perennials. Unlike their tall brothers, they enter the flowering period earlier and suffer less from the vagaries of nature. The following plants are the most popular among the new-born cottage dwellers:

  1. Cornflower mountain - perennial, able to live in one place for 7-10 years. Practically does not become a victim of pests, does not suffer from illnesses, it easily tolerates both spring frosts and winter frosts. Flowering period from June to mid-August.
  2. Calendula - a wonderful representative of medicinal plants, while possessing a fair amount of decorative. Well growing plots with different illumination. Provided that the blossoming buds are periodically peeled, the whole summer can bloom.
  3. Astilba is an excellent choice for shaded areas. In special care only for the first time after planting, in the future, the care for astilba is reduced to mulching the soil around the bush as the rhizome grows.
  4. Lavender is a fragrant perennial, with flowers and leaves containing a huge amount of essential oils. Begins flowering in late June and continues until the end of August.
  5. Cinquefoil hybrid - united under one name of a variety of hybrid origin, obtained by crossing various types of cobweb. All of them are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and high winter hardiness, as well as by prolonged flowering (on average 45-60 days).

Tall perennials, blooming all summer long

The key to successful growing on the site of blossoming all-summer tall perennials, will be the correct choice of a site for this. So, it must be well-lit and protected from strong winds. The most popular are the following blossoming tall perennials:

  1. Rudbeckia is a bright perennial flower whose flowers have some similarity to the sunflower. With timely watering can bloom before the onset of frost.
  2. English roses or "Austinks" - obtained by selection of a variety of bush roses, characterized by a magnificent long flowering and large double flowers.
  3. Stock-rose is a tall perennial plant blooming from May to September. It tolerates droughts and has many varieties differing in color and shape of buds.
  4. Baskonnik - perennial, which has a palette of flowering from white to maroon. Can hibernate without shelter and does not require complex care.
  5. Vasilistnik - an ornamental medicinal plant, the flowers of which form bright lush inflorescences. Flowering lasts from late June to late August.