Diseases of violets

Lovers of indoor plants know how much trouble delicate Mozambican violets bring. Even with a slight deviation from the rules of care, capricious ornamental plants begin to ache. Often spots appear on the leaves of violets, which can be both a sign of the disease, and evidence of improper care. Let's try to understand, the symptom of which diseases of violets are spots, and how to treat the plant.

Powdery mildew

One of the most common diseases of violets is powdery mildew , which is fungal in nature. On the stems, leaves and peduncles there are whitish spots, unevenness. The growth of the plant stops, and the Umbra violet slowly dies.

Prophylaxis : Regular airing of the room, periodic wiping of leaves with a damp cloth, watering with standing water at room temperature.

Treatment : a single spraying of flowers with the drug "Topaz", "Fundozol" or "Benlat". If there is no result, the procedure can be repeated after 10 days.

Late blight

Brown spots on the leaves of the flower and decay of the root part of the plant are signs of late blight. The disease is also caused by a fungus. The weakened plant quickly dies.

Prevention : in the soil to make superphosphate, contain violets in a room with fairly dry air.

Treatment : complete destruction of the diseased plant with further sterilization of the pot, so that the fungus does not pass to other flowers.

Gray rot

Fluffy brown-gray spots and decay - a signal of infection with botrysitis, the spores of which are extremely tenacious. Gray rot entails the death of violets.

Prevention : do not use contaminated soil to plant plants, avoid excessive watering and temperature changes.

Treatment : the diseased plant can be treated with fungicides, if the decay process does not stop, the flower should be discarded with the soil and sterilized by the pot.

Not always spots on the room violet are a sign of illness. So the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves is a signal that the plant is in an uncomfortable place. Direct sunlight, poor lighting, drafts can cause yellowing of the leaves and the formation of holes on them. To yellowing of the leaves can lead to an excess of fertilizers, so you should exactly observe the proportions when breeding dressings for senpolia and follow the recommendations of agricultural technicians when using fertilizers.