Figs - growing at home

Surprisingly, growing at home such a useful berry, such as figs , is not too common. And completely in vain! After all, this plant, which is also called fig, wine berry or fig tree, has truly unique properties and, in addition, an interesting taste. Its fruits are rich in sugars and biologically active substances, vitamins and pectins. However, this plant is undemanding to the composition of the soil, loves warmth and adapts well to dry indoor air.

And now let's learn about the peculiarities of home growing and reproduction of figs at home.

How to grow a fig tree at home?

Planting of a tree is made by rooting a seedling or by root offsprings, less often by seeds. After cutting, the stalk should be kept in a cool and dry place, until the milky juice released from the cut is dried, and then within 12 hours - in a solution of heteroauxin.

Plant figs in a box with a nutrient soil, under which is a centimeter layer of expanded clay, and from above - steamed river sand. Saplings it is desirable to cover with a glass jar or polyethylene, under which the constant humidity of sand is maintained. The temperature in the room should be at least 22 ° C. The plant takes root usually after 4-5 weeks, and then the shelter can be removed and planted seedlings on separate pots.

Similarly, figs are germinated from seeds, only the temperature in the room should be 2-3 ° C higher.

Further care for the figs at home is not complicated. He should be given a maximum of light and heat, and for the summer it is advisable to rearrange to a loggia. He loves the fig tree and abundant watering. It is very undesirable to dry the earthen litter.

Transplant the young tree should be annually, and it is desirable to have time to do this before the beginning of vegetation. And already 4-5 year old plants are transplanted as their root system grows. It is better to do this by the method of transshipment, picking up a pot with a slightly larger capacity than the previous one.

Fruits figs twice a season, after which he has a pronounced period of rest. Be prepared for the fact that your plant will discard all the leaves, because it refers to the so-called deciduous crops. The tree should be placed in a cool room (cellar or cellar) or moved closer to the window glass, fencing off the room with a film. Watering is reduced to a minimum, not allowing the soil to dry completely. With the beginning of vegetation, when buds begin to wake up, the fig must be fertilized with manure or nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer.