Where does the thyme grow?

One of the most famous medicinal herbs is thyme . Most often it is used to treat a severe cough and run bronchitis. By the way, this plant has several other names - thyme or the romantic "Bogorodskaya grass", as it blossomed for the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin. We'll tell you about where the thyme grows.

Spread of thyme

A small plant prefers sandy and sandy loam soils, grows well in the steppe zones, and also grows in forests, both deciduous and coniferous. You can find thyme on forest edges, low rocks, meadows and meadows.

If we talk more specifically about the area of ​​the spread of the grass of the grass, it is quite broad. You can meet thyme in Spain and in the south of France in the wild, and the plant is cultivated in many countries of Western Europe.

If we talk about the CIS countries, thyme is distributed in the regions of Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

Where is the thyme growing in Russia?

In the Russian Federation there are many regions where the thyme is found in wild or cultivated species. This, above all, the European part and the Caucasus, the Urals, the Krasnodar Territory and a little Crimea. Being a frost-resistant plant, thyme grows in Transbaikalia, as well as in Western Siberia.

If we talk about whether the thymus is growing in the suburbs, then the sod-podzolic earth, which the region has plenty of, is quite suitable for thyme to grow there without problems.

As to where the thyme in the Moscow region grows, it is mostly in the northern part, for example, Sergiev Posadsky, Dmitrovsky, Klinsky. Unfortunately, every year the area of ​​the territory on which thyme grows, decreases. By the way, that is why the plant is included in the Red Book of the Moscow Region.