Flowers - muzhegons

No matter how much progress progressed, signs remain in our lives and many believe in them. Mostly it concerns women. They are the ones who buy ficuses to get pregnant, they put a fatty on the window to attract wealth and immediately get rid of house plants of muzhegons.

Flowers muzhegony - signs

Fiction is attributed to several types of plants. Most often "accusations" sound to the ivy. In his defense, we can say that in ancient Greece, he just opposite had the glory of a plant that attracted men to the house.

According to one version of the wife of Zeus, Hera categorically did not like the plaits, which became later a sign. There is a belief that lovers of cacti will never marry. As for the vines, they are disliked in all likelihood for the arrangement of leaflets: they grow only separately, and not in pairs. So the longer your lianas run, the farther the spouse will escape from you.

Flower muzhegon - what does he look like?

To find the notoriety is not lucky for many plants, except ivy. In addition to their pseudo-properties to survive the males, some were seen in other violations of family harmony. Here is a list of muzhegon plants, which are most often taken out of the house urgently.

  1. Muzhegon diffenbachia . Strangely enough, but the decorative species of this plant are also advised to throw out, if you believe in such signs. By the way, there are many species and varieties of plants that are very similar to dienenbachia, so sometimes you can take innocent species for domestic flowers of a muzhegon.
  2. Muzhegon scindapsus . This kind is guilty on all counts, as in the rating of muzhegons it is on the first place. It is a very colorful and beautiful vine, and a fairly popular plant in educational institutions, darkened offices or apartments facing west or north. It is completely unpretentious and tolerates almost any conditions of detention.
  3. The mougerie monster . Among all the names of flowers muzhegons it even sounds scary. In addition, that it is considered to be the culprit of all disputes, so she is also credited with vampirism. It is a tropical liana, in which, sadly, too, the leaves grow separately. Even the name itself for the plant came up with an insult to put it mildly. But as an interior decor, the monster cope with the top five. And for those who believe in the flowers of the muzhegons, there is great news. According to the belief, all negative qualities of the southern vine completely neutrolize the cat in the house.
  4. Muzhegon ivy. Especially dangerous is waxy ivy hoya. By giving, he does not just survive a man from home, but lives it out of the light.
  5. In the list of names of flowers muzhegons got several more species. Among them, the widow is a tree of ruby, cissus, hibiscus or a Chinese rose . Also, some types of palm trees and philodendrons are considered flowers of muzhegons. By the way, according to an incomprehensible confluence of circumstances, according to the eastern teachings Feng Shui, room violets are also not recommended for unmarried women. The paradox is that the creators of this teaching in ancient China even had no idea what it looks like, this flower is a muzhegon.

Indoor flowers muzhegony: skeptical view

It turns out that the flowers muzhegons can be called all that are more or less suitable for describing a vine or ivy. This does not mean that in all your disagreements only indoor plants are to blame. Of course, any sign has a certain foundation under it, but most often this is a simplified interpretation of what is happening from antiquity. In the modern world, such accusations at least cause a smile. Treat superstitions with certain criticism. If the plant you like and it fits perfectly into the interior of the room, boldly grow it and look for the causes of your problems in other ways.