Folk signs of autumn

Autumn is perhaps the most mysterious and romantic time of the year, not for nothing that poets and artists of different epochs dedicated their numerous works to this golden age. Only autumn first gives a man a harvest, and then plunges all nature into a dream. The national calendar is full of a huge number of autumnal omens , which were based on observations of natural laws and their connection with certain events. Centuries ago, when people were not yet familiar with science, only the signs and beliefs that our ancestors fully trusted could predict and explain certain phenomena.

People's signs of autumn could tell in detail about the upcoming weather, about what will be winter and spring, whether next year will bring a good harvest or not.

Many people to this day predict the weather, based only on ancient beliefs. Let's try to find out which exactly signs of autumn most accurately can tell us about the upcoming weather changes.

What do the signs of early autumn say?

As everyone knows, according to the calendar this time of the year begins on September 1, and the first signs of autumn are associated with leaffall and flight of birds. So, if the leaves begin to fall early, then the winter will not keep you waiting. Strong cold and severe winter promised a quick and late fall.

If in the end of September aspen and birches lost all leaves, then the coming year will be fertile. But if the apple blossomed in the autumn, then the sign does not bode well; this foretells the imminent death of a man whose house is not far from this tree.

Migratory birds fly high, then wait for the perfect weather. And if at this time of year the birds fly close to the ground - to be cold.

Signs of the weather in autumn

On rainy days the following beliefs can warn:

  1. The acorns formed a thick peel, which means that strong cooling occurs.
  2. Yellowed leaves on the birch - frosts come.
  3. If the stars flicker in November, the weather will sharply worsen and the wind will increase.
  4. If there are many berries in the mountain ash, autumn will be very rainy.
  5. In September low clouds - there will be prolonged rains and cold.
  6. If you see a flying swan - it's to the snow, and the flying goose - to the rain.
  7. After sunset, a large white cloud appears - a strong bad weather will come for several weeks.

Good weather can be predicted by the following signs:

  1. If the sunset is red , then autumn will not be rainy.
  2. Early in the morning the sky is clear, without clouds - the next few days will be sunny and dry.
  3. In October, bright stars in the sky - wait for a sunny and warm day.
  4. If thunder rumbles in September, autumn promises to be long and warm.
  5. Hoarfrost at this time of year predicts the onset of warm sunny days.

Folk signs of autumn, foreshadowing a warm winter:

  1. While the leaves do not fall from the cherry - snow will not fall, and frosts will not break.
  2. In the late fall, mosquitoes appeared, which means that the winter will be mild.
  3. Early begin to shed chickens - winter is expected to be warm.
  4. If in the morning on a festive day of the winter Matrona (November 9) a strong fog - then in December will be warm.

Folk signs of autumn, foreshadowing the severe winter:

  1. If there are few mushrooms in the forest, then it is worth preparing for a frosty winter.
  2. Great anthills promise a fierce winter.
  3. If the squirrels are in a hurry to make a supply of nuts, then winter is expected to be long and frosty.
  4. The wool of the hares became white - a very cold winter is approaching.
  5. A very large harvest of mountain ash foreshadows brisk and early winter.

To believe or not in people's signs is a personal matter for everyone. Beliefs exist because people have observed and observed certain regularities in nature, animal behavior, etc. for centuries. It is worth remembering that nothing happens for no reason, and if after millennia the signs have reached our days, it means that they nevertheless made their own contribution to human life.