How to teach a dog the command "To lie"?

Any dog ​​owner knows how hard it is to live in the same apartment with an untrained animal. Regardless of whether you are the owner of a Pekingese, Pug or German Shepherd , they all must understand and fulfill the basic commands coming from their master. Lash at a neighbor, run away while walking after a cat, rush through a busy street, behave aggressively in a busy place - cases of disobedience are different. All these undesirable actions are quickly stopped by one word, an exact command, but only if your dog is trained.

How to teach a puppy to lie down?

A dog is not so easy to overcome himself, to stay alone with other people's doors, without running after a loved one. The following commands - "To me", "Rise" will stop the unpleasant mission, and will be performed with joy. That is why it is necessary to teach, at the beginning of the pet, the orders "Sit" and "Lie", before proceeding to other exercises. A well-trained dog must stop and lie down at any moment of gambling, during a hunt, a fight with an opponent. Only then will you be sure that he fully learned the command to lie for the dogs.

Too early to start studying does not make sense. The puppy needs to grow up a little and be able to absorb your science. He just does not understand what team the dog means to lie. It's almost the same as trying to teach a three-year-old child the basics of higher mathematics. A frisky mobile kid will forget everything in an hour, and the next day will have to start again. It all depends on the breed and the nature of the dog. Animals, like people, some grasp on the fly, and others need to repeat everything a hundred times as long as they remember. But you can not miss time either. Start the first lessons in the game form, but when you realize that the puppy is ready for science, get down to business seriously.

The process of training the team to "lie"

  1. It is better to teach the dog this team with a sitting posture. Therefore, first teach her to the team "Sit."
  2. Plant a puppy at the left foot and bring to it a piece of snacks. Tell the "Lying" command clearly and slowly put it down. When the dog reaches for the yummy, it will have to lie down. At this time, do not forget to praise the baby and repeat several times: "Lie, lie, well done ...".
  3. Puppy can try to snatch food from his hands, spin around it. Give him a piece only when you notice that his legs will bend, the first attempts will be visible.
  4. Do not give the delicacy if the pet does not obey you. In general, it is better to conduct classes on an empty stomach, but this does not mean that the animal needs to be harassed before exhaustion.
  5. If the dog wants to change the pose at will, press it lightly on his back with his hand or pull the leash down, gently punishing for disobedience. The downward spurt must be felt by the animal, but he, in no case, should not harm him.
  6. When the dog lies down, try to hold it in this position for 10-15 seconds. Attempts to change position are suppressed by the command "To lie".
  7. At once accustom animal to lay down correctly, not falling down on a side.
  8. Sometimes a pet does not want to lie down on orders. Try to catch the moment when he wants to do it on his own and run ahead of time - when he says "Lie down". He will have a feeling that you ordered him to do it.
  9. Do not give a treat every time, try to do it a little less often, through one executed command.
  10. Pronounce the order once, then the dog will begin to listen more often to the host the first time.
  11. Do not tire your pet. After working with him a little, change the occupation to another, and after a while again return to school.
  12. Fix the command "Lying" with a special gesture - extend the left hand (palm down) and sharply lower it to the ground.

First learn how to teach a dog to the team to lie, stand. Teach her to follow orders "Fu", "Place", "To me", "Nearby". Later, when the puppy grows up, you can expand this small list. But even he is able to make your pet much more obedient, having made walks with him in the yard a calm and enjoyable occupation.