White pimples on the face

Most cosmetic skin defects can be masked with decorative cosmetics. However, white pimples on the face are difficult to hide, because such a rash makes the epidermis too embossed and tuberous. Effective treatment of this problem is only after finding out the nature of the rashes, as well as their exact causes.

Varieties of small white pimples on the face

There are 3 types of rash in question:

  1. Pursuits, milium. Usually localized to the skin of the eyelids or near them. Such formations are keratin epidermal cysts - seals, consisting of a cluster of dead skin cells. Miliums are located outside the sebaceous glands and separate from the excretory ducts, which makes their mechanical extraction difficult.
  2. Closed comedones. These pimples are very similar to perches, because of which people often confuse these types of rashes. The difference between comedones and miloons is that they are formed in the sebaceous glands due to the blockage of the ducts by skin fat, respectively, to squeeze it out quite easily.
  3. Pustules. The described rash looks like multiple bubbles filled with light exudative fluid. White purulent pimples on the face are often removed accidentally when touching the hand or some object, since they are located on the surface of the skin, have a very thin shell.

Each type of rash should be treated differently, finding out the causes of the appearance of tumors.

Why do white spots appear on my face?

The mechanisms for the appearance of miliums have not yet been determined. There are suggestions that perches are formed due to the use of unsuitable hygienic cosmetics, excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. There are also other versions of the origin of miliums, among which:

Closed comedones or small white pimples on the face under the skin may appear for the following reasons:

The last type of acne is pustules. They are formed due to infection of the skin with a bacterial flora. As a rule, purulent eruptions are observed with mechanical damage to the hair follicles.

Less often such pimples appear because of allergic reactions, food or chemical poisoning.

What to do if small white pimples appear on your face?

It is important to abandon self-treatment and attempts to squeeze out education at home.

Milium and closed comedones are removed mechanically by a professional cosmetologist or dermatologist using a sterile needle (face cleaning). Additionally, therapy is prescribed:

With pustules it is much easier to fight - it is enough to apply any drying and astringent preparation, for example, salicylic-zinc paste . Usually similar rashes quickly disappear, for 2-4 days.