Double-breasted uterus and pregnancy

Sometimes in the office of a gynecologist or ultrasound, a woman hears of a rather rare anomaly in gynecology - the two-legged uterus. Naturally, she may have questions about whether she can get pregnant and normally bear the child.

What does the bicornic uterus look like?

Normally the uterus is a muscular organ in the form of an inverted pear with one cavity inside. The two-horn is called the uterus with developmental malformation, in which the organ is split into two parts by a septum, the so-called two horns that merge into one cavity. There are several types of such anomaly:

As for the appearance of the two-horned uterus, the causes of this anomaly are violations of the formation of the reproductive organs of the fetus in prenatal development.

Double-breasted uterus: symptoms

The symptomatology of this pathology is rather weak. Usually a gynecologist has a suspicion of a two-legged uterus because of the patient's complaints about the absence of menstruation, uncaused uterine bleeding, miscarriage or infertility. The diagnosis is usually confirmed in the office of ultrasound, as well as in such examinations as laparoscopy, hysteroscopy.

Pregnancy with the 2-nd uterus

The presence of such an anomaly in a woman creates difficulties for the realization of the childbearing function. There are no special problems with how to get pregnant with a double-horned uterus. The fertilized egg can easily attach itself to the uterine cavity. However, the endocrine abnormalities and changes in the genitourinary system accompanying this defect may prevent pregnancy from bearing. Possible spontaneous miscarriages and premature birth. Often, with the two-legged uterus, various pathological phenomena are observed. Constantly increasing in size, the fetus can be squeezed by the uterus septum. Because of her, the child often takes the wrong presentation. In the two-legged uterus, placental circulation and placenta previa are violated. There is an istmiko-cervical insufficiency. All these complications in general affect pregnancy, therefore, miscarriages are possible.

In addition, with the two-horned uterus and childbirth can go with complications. Pregnant women with such a diagnosis are usually prescribed a cesarean section. The fact is, because of the unusual structure of the uterus, natural delivery carries a danger to the mother and child: birth trauma is possible.

If a woman with a two-horned uterus has a threat of termination of pregnancy, from 26-28 weeks, when the fetus is sufficiently viable, an emergency cesarean section is prescribed to save the child.

In order to avoid the aforementioned complications and risks, a pregnant woman with a two-legged uterus should be registered as soon as possible to control her condition. The future mum should follow all the prescriptions and recommendations of the district gynecologist. If there are any warning signs, a woman should immediately seek medical help.

If the diagnosis of "bicorne uterus" was delivered before pregnancy, a woman can be offered a plastic surgery - metroplasty. As a result of surgical correction, one cavity will be formed in the uterus. After some time, planning to conceive will be possible. The probability of miscarriages will be sharply reduced, and the course of pregnancy is not overshadowed by complications.