What can not be done in a post-list of prohibited cases and products

Many people are interested in the topic of what can not be done in the post and what foods should be excluded for this period from the diet. In addition, it is important to know without fail who is forbidden to fast, and who should just be a little bit of it.

What can not be done in Lent?

Some people have a wrong opinion about fasting, because it is based not on food restrictions, but on the spiritual plane. At this time, the best is considered an ascetic way of life, repentance and impeccable observance of the commandments. There are a number of prohibitions designed to make a person better discover and feel their divine essence. There is a list that you can not do in the post before Easter:

  1. During this period it is forbidden to lead an active social life, that is, to visit entertainment establishments. You can not indulge in laziness .
  2. You need to control your emotions, for example, anger, aggression, greed and so on. In the event of a breakdown, it is important to repent.
  3. Clergymen recommend conjugal abstinence, and this rule applies to unmarried couples.
  4. The list of things you can not do in Lent includes drinking alcohol, drugs and smoking.
  5. It is forbidden in the Great Lent period to indulge in gluttony and overeating.

What prayers can not be read in Lent?

The Lord can be treated with different prayers, but it should be borne in mind that there are prayers, which are solely reserved for the clergy. If there are doubts about the chosen prayer, then it is better to ask advice from the clergy. In addition, forbidden are prayer-zagovry used by people during various rituals, for example, to return love, improve health and so on.

There are believers who are interested in why it is impossible to read the Akathist in fasting, and so the clergy say that such a prohibition is a prejudice. This is explained by the fact that the office of the Akathist of the Blessed Virgin Mary is performed in the post, so there is no logic in the taboo on the singing of this text. If there is a sincere desire to read the Akathist, then you can safely do it.

Can or can not guess in the post?

Such a question is generally considered illogical, since mysticism and faith are two incompatible things. Priests are categorically against the desire of people to learn about their future, because everything is the will of the Lord. The symbols on the cards and other signs associated with the occult forces are derived from the evil one. During fasting, all forces should be directed to the purification of the soul from sin. All this explains why divination is included in the list of things that can not be done during Lent.

Can or can not move to the post?

Many perceive the post incorrectly, believing that there are a huge number of prohibitions, including the move. The list of things that can not be done in Lent before Easter does not include such a taboo and this opinion is due to the fact that the change of residence is associated with the celebration of a housewarming party, and this feast, the use of different food and alcohol. Since such gluttony is forbidden, there was an opinion on the ban on relocation, but in fact it is taboo - fictional.

What can not be eaten in fasting?

People who hold fasting must exclude food from their diet, for the production of which raw materials of animal origin were used. Describing that you can not eat in the post before Easter, it is worth pointing out that the ban applies to meat, eggs, fish and seafood. The list of foods to be excluded includes butter, dairy and sour-milk products, and cheeses. Finding out that you can not eat in the post, the list of products should be replenished with pasta, bread, baked goods and mayonnaise. Before buying food, pay attention to its composition.

It has already been said that you can not do in Lent, but it will be interesting to learn about some rules concerning nutrition:

  1. Many, wishing to improve the taste of lean dishes, add sauces and spices to them, so this is worth noting.
  2. For proper functioning of the digestive tract, it is useful to include in your menu kissels, decoction of oats, cereals, soups, puree and squash.
  3. People prone to anemia, it is recommended to use iron-containing drugs, because due to the failure of food of animal origin, iron will not be enough to enter the body.
  4. To obtain energy, foods containing complex carbohydrates should be included in the diet. Every day, the menu should include 0.5 kg of vegetables and fruits.
  5. It is recommended to take food fractionally, sharing food for 4-5 admission.

What can not be eaten in the first week of fasting?

The fast begins with Fedorova of the week, which is considered the most difficult. People who first hold fasting are encouraged to enter it gradually. Being interested in what you can not eat during Lent, consider the restrictions for each day:

  1. The first day is Pure Monday. Particularly devout people prefer to completely give up food, supporting their strength only with holy water. Others should eat dry cold food of non-animal origin. Vegetable oil should be excluded.
  2. The second day - dryness continues, but a more gentle regime allows the reception of hot food, but it should be cooked without vegetable oil.
  3. The third, fourth and fifth day - at this time you can have hot food without oil, for example, it can be vegetables, mushrooms, lean soups, fruits, nuts, honey and so on.
  4. The sixth and seventh day - you can afford hot food with any kind of vegetable oil. You can also drink some light wine.

What sweets can not be in the post?

For the preparation of many sweets, products of animal origin, such as eggs, butter and milk, are used, so they are on the list of forbidden food. Gelatin and granulated sugar can not be used. It will be interesting to know not only what can not be done in the post and is, but also what can you please yourself: bitter black chocolate, dried fruits, kozinaki , and marshmallows, marmalade, pastille and jelly on pectin, since gelatin is banned. Many are interested in whether or not honey can be Lent, so this sweetness is allowed.

What can not drink in Lent?

During the fasting it is important to abandon strong alcoholic beverages, for example, vodka, cognac, rum and so on. They not only refer to impure products, but also affect the brain, distracting from sublime thoughts. Many people are interested in what you can drink to fasting from alcohol, so, on the day off, you can use a little wine, which symbolizes the blood of Christ. It is best to use undiluted Cahors. There are no bans on coffee and tea, it is better to exclude them from your diet.

Who should not fast in Lent?

It is not recommended to observe fasting to the elderly, for whom the protein is very important and it is useful even to increase its quantity in its diet. There is a certain list of contraindications concerning who can not keep a post:

What can not be post fasted?

Given the special condition of women in the situation, the spiritual guides give permission to weaken the fast. This is due to the fact that for the proper development of the child, a woman should receive the necessary amount of products of animal origin containing an important protein, vitamins B and D, iron and calcium. What can not be done during fasting during pregnancy should be determined by the doctor and then, since the fetus will actively develop from week 20, restrictions should be forgotten, and the child needs about 96 grams of protein daily and half of it should be of animal origin.

Women in the situation should pay more attention to the spiritual post. For what it is recommended to go to the temple and pray more and communicate with the Lord. If possible, you should limit the viewing of entertainment programs. In addition, kindly treat the surrounding people, try not to offend anyone and not to condemn. Quarrels during the period of humility should be ruled out.

What is not allowed in fasting nursing mom?

The health of mother and baby depends on the diet of a woman, so pediatricians do not recommend to refuse milk and dairy products. In this case, meat and your menu can be removed for a short time. If you are interested in the fact that it is impossible to post nursing mothers, it is sweets. When the baby is six months old, it is already possible to introduce complementary foods, and a woman can observe a more strict fast. If the baby has health problems, then do not limit yourself to nutrition. You can not take risks, so consult a doctor for advice.

What can not be done in fasting to children?

There are no canonical rules concerning the age at which children should begin to fast. Obviously, requiring the child to fulfill all the restrictions of fasting is stupid, since the growing organism needs to receive the necessary substances, including the protein of animal origin. What can and can not be done in a child's post should be determined by the parents, and if the child himself expresses an informed desire to hold fast, then it is possible to offer him a facilitated lean diet.