Simoron's birthday rituals

Birthday is the most special day from the energy point of view. On this day you are reborn and your aura is weakened. Strengthen it can good wishes of loved ones, but quite imperceptibly you can pick up and malicious glances, and damage, and evil eye. To prevent this from happening, we suggest that you spend a few Simoron rituals on your birthday.


The first thing that is associated with a birthday is blowing out the candles. Without even realizing it, we carry out this Simoron technique and ritual from year to year. However, now we suggest that you blow out not simple candles, but those that will contribute to the fulfillment of desires.

To fulfill the desire, you need to select the appropriate candles:

Ritual of protection

The day before the birthday, we suggest that you conduct the most powerful Simoron ritual for protection in everyday life. Take an ornament, for example, a ring. Rinse it in running water and put it overnight in a glass of water. At night, the moonlight must fall on him to fill with the energy of protection.

In the morning, on your birthday, take out the ring, wipe with a napkin, squeeze in a fist and ask for your amulet about protecting, fulfilling desires. Dress it and wear it as often as possible.

New moon

New Moon is the best time for attracting luck and fulfilling desires. Therefore it is not necessary neglect the next Simoron ritual on the new moon.

On the first day of the new moon, buy a notebook and pen - these items should like you at first sight. At night write it into your destiny, starting with the following text:

"I (the name) gratefully receive from the universe all the gifts (enumerate), for my benefit and benefit for my family."

You need to list all your cherished desires, no matter how indecently grandiose they seem. Do not tell anyone about the ritual, hide the notebook until the next new moon, when you can add wishes, or delete the fulfilled dreams.