Dua from corruption and the evil eye

In every denomination there must be a way to address your Supreme. Christians have prayers, Muslims have duads, which, in principle, are the same prayers, but in Arabic and with an appeal to Allah. In Islam, there are no conspiracies, no special texts for removing the spoiling, spells, curses - the only way to get rid of the evil effect - dua from spoilage and evil eye . Such duads are called "from evil." In addition, the only source of the duo is the Koran - in Islam there are no other holy scriptures, the whole religion is built only on the Qur'an.

When and how to read du'aa from corruption and evil eye?

In Islam there are no special instructions when to read du'aa from spoilage and witchcraft, at what time of day and night, at what phase of the moon, etc. Allah says to appeal to him, and he will answer, so the du'a is allowed to read at any time when you feel the need for help from above.

However, the most favorable time is considered a segment from midnight to dawn. It is interesting that if Christians all wizards and sorcerers spoil our lives in the dark, the Qur'an writes that the time of wizards comes from dawn and lasts until dinner.

In Islam, there is one note, similar to the Christian warnings - Allah, first of all, hears those who ask sincerely and not to the detriment of others, leads a righteous way of life without sins and vices.

Where and how to read duo from the evil eye?

The best place to read dua from the evil eye is the desert. Of course, this is not a condition, but in Islam it is believed that only there the worshiper can be shielded from the whole world of vanity, and sincerely speak with Allah.

But you do not have to limit yourself to this and wait for a trip to the desert, in order to read the du'a from the spoiling. In fact, an empty room is suitable, where no one will suddenly knock and ring, where the phone will not ring and the alarm will not turn on. If you decide to try to fix your situation with a duo, disable the doorbell, phone and alarm clock (if you are reading duo before dawn).

The most powerful dua from the evil eye will be the original texts from the Koran. In addition, dua can not be read, they need to be recited, so before you speak to Allah, you need to learn the text of at least one duo.

Another important nuance - dua from evil eye and envy can be pronounced only in those cases when you are sure that you really have a malefice, corruption or something like that. In Islam, there is no concept of "luck" and "bad luck", just so Allah does not ask for deliverance from probable spoiling, and there is no bad luck - the will of the Almighty. Therefore, a Muslim, when his life does not turn out to be the best way, does not hurry to look for "lapels from love spells," he, first of all, tries to understand what happened and why.

List of duo from spoilage and evil eye

In Islam, not so many special du'a from evil. The following duads from the Qur'an are considered most effective:

Short prayer of the Prophet Muhammad

It is believed that the Prophet Muhammad left the Muslims a short dua for "everyday use" from evil eye, spoilage and witchcraft. The text is as follows:

"I ask for protection by the perfect words of Allah from the evil Shaitan, from any animals and poisonous ones, from the evil eye."

And the strongest is dua Al-Mu'minun - Muslims say that if this dua is read by a sincerely believing and righteous Muslim, it can be split in half by a mountain.


Sabab - this is a blank sheet of paper, on which ink, with his own hands, cause some kind of duo. It is believed that if you carry this scroll on yourself or yourself, you can significantly increase the defenses of your body, thereby recovering from the damage or evil eye. However, Muslims warn: Sabah does not save from damage, it can only do Allah. Therefore, when wearing Sababa, one should place hopes not on the scroll, but on the one to whom his text is directed, otherwise it will be a sinful polytheism.

The text of dua Al-Fatiha