Plot from toothache

Toothache, probably, experienced in his life at least once every person. Such ailments are comparable to severe pains, as in addition to the teeth the head starts to hurt and there is another discomfort. Basically, to cope with this problem, people go to the dentist, but there is also a way that our ancestors used - strong plots from the toothache . The thing is that many magical words are aimed at self-hypnosis, like hypnosis. Great importance also has a connection with the inner world. In addition, there is information that magic formulas form in space sound waves that positively affect the work of the body. Rituals can be used when the pain is not too strong or at the moment there is no way to go to the dentist.

Plots from toothache

On the water . The ritual must be performed at night, when the moon shines brightly in the sky. Pick up a vessel with water, stand facing the moon and say these words:

"The keeper of heaven and tradition, the Lord and Owner of Ezen, Zayan and Tengri. Encourage me to perform my ritual! Help me and do your direct intervention in my affairs! Fill my body with life energy. Nourish my mind with the healing light of consciousness. Fill my soul with your invisible presence. Be sympathetic and noble to me, saving me from terrible pain. Now and forever, take the pain out of my teeth. "

Spoke liquid in small sips. It is best to take thawed water, because it has a special energy. It is recommended to use a faceted or crystal glass. It is important to correctly read the plot, without hesitation, and in no case be distracted by anything.

To the wax . To reduce pain, you can perform a simple ritual. Take a piece of wax and say a plague on it three times so that the tooth does not hurt:

"On the sea, the Okeys, on the island of Buyan Thirty-three dead men are lying. Their teeth do not ache, they do not rot. So would the servants of Mary Maria Zuba did not ache and did not ache. "

Apply the wax on a sore spot.

On the salt. Take a pinch of salt in your hand and read on it such words:

"I will rise up the servant of God (name), blessing, go cross,

From the door at the door, from the gate to the gate, I'll go out into the open field.

In the open field the sea is fierce, In the fierce sea there is a fierce stone.

Under the fierce stone of the fierce pike seventy teeth.

The iron teeth did not hurt without closing those teeth.

So the slave of God (name) did not get sick and did not close his teeth in a clear and cloudy weather.

From now on forever, from now on, the key and the lock for my words. Amen".

In the salt, it is necessary to rub the diseased tooth. After that, it is forbidden to go out into the street.

Conspiracy against acute dental pain

Take the water and wash it in good hands. Then, she also clean the door bracket and pour it out the threshold. Then with your index finger, draw the crosses on the cheek from the side of the toothache and say these words:

"Dawn-lightning, a red girl, a night owl, a hare in the field, a stone in the sea, a limar on the bottom. Cover you, lightning, my teeth are sorrowful with my veil from the accursed limar; your teeth will remain behind your cover. Enemy Limar, piss off from me; And if you gnaw my white teeth, I will hide you in the abyss of hell. My word is strong! "

The pain should decrease almost immediately.

Plot on the kerchief

Another effective ritual will help for a long time to get rid of the pain. It must be done on the first or second day of the new moon, before lunch. Buy a white handkerchief beforehand. On the day of the ritual, fold it in half and gently bite the sick teeth. Then say to yourself 12 times:

"The midnight girl Zarnitsa, beautiful girl. Cover my aching teeth with your snow-white veil. They will be healed for your cover, get rid of the disease. "

After the sun goes down and the month appears, wash the shawl in running water. Do not use any detergents. Then hang it dry in the fresh air. After the ritual, the handkerchief can be used for its intended purpose.

Stepanova's plot against toothache

Read the magic words you need on a young month three times. A conspiracy sounds like this:

"Father is young,

You are the brother of the sun.

You walk high, you see far.

Did you roll along the Abram court?

Have you not seen Abraham in the tomb?

That I, like Abraham, had no teeth in the coffin,

Do not hurt, do not rot and not black,

The gums did not puzzle, the roots did not creak.

Speech to me month young:

- I rolled across the sky home,

Past the courtyard of Abraham I flew,

He saw the dead Abraham in the coffin.

How his teeth do not hurt, do not brain,

The gums do not groan, the roots of the teeth do not creak,

So that word for word,

So that business in business,

So that my mouth does not hurt.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

How to strengthen the effectiveness of plots from toothache?

To achieve the desired result, you should follow the following recommendations:

  1. Reinforce magic words with actions. Various gestures help to concentrate energy.
  2. Use folk recipes. There are many infusions made with the use of various plants. They act as an anesthetic, as well as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  3. Read the plot confidently, without changing the order of words and without making stops. To exclude any errors, you should read the text several times in advance and, if necessary, separately look through unknown words.
  4. Use the inner vision. Closing his eyes, a person can distract from reality and tune in to the right way.
  5. As has been said before, it is very important to believe in the power of words and in the operation of magical formulas. It is important to concentrate on the ritual and not to be distracted.

Remember that if you manage to cope with a toothache attack using a conspiracy, you should contact the dentist at the earliest opportunity to determine and get rid of the cause of the pain. Otherwise, the problem may worsen and no folk remedies will help.