Freshwater aquarium fish

Choosing Aquarists - Freshwater Aquarium Fish

The variety of species of freshwater aquarium fish reaches several hundred, which means that it will not be difficult to find the kind that can harmoniously enter your life and please the eye.

Sharks in the house

The most exotic species among aquarists is the freshwater sharks . They require not only special care, but also appropriate conditions for life. Of course, they do not reach giant sizes, like marine ones, but, nevertheless, 40 cm is the average length of an adult aquarium shark of freshwater. Equip several caves in the aquarium - this will add naturalness to your underwater world, and the fish will feel at home.

Add colors

No less popular type of fish among freshwater fish are clowns, they are also Botsia. Like aquarium fish, freshwater shark, a freshwater clown fish will require a large aquarium, since in adulthood it reaches 30 cm. Representatives of this fish species prefer to live in areas rich in vegetation, so, before starting Botsia, enrich the aquarium with a variety of algae.

One of the most beautiful species of freshwater aquarium fish is African haplohromis, which belongs to the family of cichlids. Haplohromis is a predator fish, this must be taken into account when keeping it with other less aggressive fish. As for the care for cichlids , they require a large aquarium with caves for shelter. In adulthood, they reach 15-19 cm.

The most rich and bright color scale is possessed by carp-koi. Black, brown, red, white, orange, and sometimes lemon, lilac, green hues are crowded on representatives of this kind of fish. They do not require special care, and are classified as freshwater and ornamental.

A fairy-tale fish is a goldfish. They can be of a variety of shades, and adapt perfectly in fresh water. This type of fish can be seen in virtually any aquarium. Goldfish have a good appetite, so young children are always interested in taking care of them.