Fricassee from chicken

What is a dish with the mysterious name "fricassee"? Everything is simple - it's just a stew of white meat in cream sauce and the addition of various seasonal vegetables. You can cook without them, the main thing is to have meat. As the main ingredient, you can take a rabbit or a bird, cook from loin chunks or portions of carcass. Let's try to make a fricassee from a chicken, especially since a bird is available to everyone absolutely and is sold both in the market and in any supermarket. How to cook a fricassee from a chicken - we'll tell you a bit later, sharing a couple of recipes that you can successfully apply on a typical day, and in a festive.

Fricassee of chicken with cream

Delicate chicken meat in combination with cream gives the dish a delicate taste. It is not without reason that the dish came to us from the French cuisine, which is famous for its elegance. Fricassee from chicken can be cooked with vegetables - any that your look will fall into, any that are present at the moment on the shelves. But the classic version, which we offer you, contains exclusively chicken meat and cream. And adding white wine to the ingredients, you will get not only a pleasant taste, but I have a delicate aroma.



We chop off the chicken, rub it with salt, spices and fry in a saucepan in butter. Then sprinkle with flour, put the bay leaves, rosemary, parsley and chopped garlic. We pour in white wine and broth, close the lid and send it to the oven for 45 minutes. Cooking at a temperature of 180 degrees.

We put the prepared chicken on a dish, laurel leaves and parsley. Dish sauce with gravy set for 5 minutes for a strong fire, meanwhile whisk yolks, cream and lemon juice, pour in a gentle pour and look to the yolks do not curl. Stir well, salt, lay back the chicken pieces, warm it up, not bringing to a boil and everything - our fricassee of chicken with cream is ready. We can serve with vegetables or garnish.

Fricassee of chicken fillet

In this recipe, let's try, instead of legs or wings, to use in the recipe for chicken fricasse its loin or breast. And we will add vegetables, onions, carrots, Bulgarian peppers, then the dish will look more like a stew. Cream replace with a lighter option - sour cream. This recipe should come to the taste for diet lovers.



Vegetables are cleaned from the peel, then cut the onion into small cubes, rub the carrot on a grater, pepper cut into cubes or straws. Chicken fillet is well washed, dried and cut into small pieces. We pour vegetable oil on the heated frying pan, heat it, lay vegetables, add fillets, salt and stew for about 20 minutes under the lid. If the liquid is not enough, you can add a little water - a couple of tablespoons. When vegetables and meat are almost ready, add sour cream, greens, and leave under the lid for another five minutes. That's all - our fricassee from chicken breast (or fillet) is ready. You can serve with rice or potatoes.