Nutchatka in the aquarium

Perhaps it is difficult to find a beginner aquarist who would not have faced an unpleasant problem: thin long threads that are enveloping the existing vegetation and occupying all the free space are spreading inside the aquarium. The braided and strangled aquarium plants are weakening and dying, the area useful for aquarium inhabitants is noticeably melting, and the panorama of the mini-pond itself becomes less transparent and open to the eye. The fault of all these troubles in the aquarium is the filament.

Reason for occurrence

Nitchatka - one of the varieties of green algae, parasitic on aquarium plants. This type of filamentous algae, such as kladofora or edogonium, spirogyra, or rhizoclonium, may be referred to under this general name ... In any case, the reason for the appearance of the filament in the aquarium is the excessive content of phosphorus and nitrogen compounds in the water . Their influence on the tightening of the aquarium with green threads also has a bright light and, separately, direct sunlight.

Fighting the filament in the aquarium

The solution of the problem of how to deal with the filament in an aquarium is to begin with the definition of its kind. If the filaments form a branched structure and do not differ in length, we are dealing with cladophore. Thread spirogyry, on the contrary, do not branch; to touch, this alga is slippery and fragile. Edogonia, in the initial stages resembling a fluff, is recognized by the characteristic small "caps" on the filaments. Light-green clouds of filaments is a rhizoclonium.

Such types of nest, such as cladophor and rhizoclonium, can be easily removed from the aquarium in the literal sense of the word by hand. The situation with getting rid of edogonium and spirogyra is much more complicated: besides the establishment of algaeids from the number of fish and shrimp, it is necessary to increase the content of macroelements in aquarium plants (in this case, such means as "AQUAYER Udo Ermolayev MACRO +" and "AQUAYER AlgoShock" ).