Goose Goatee - medicinal properties and contraindications

Despite widespread distribution, the plant does not lose its importance and is regarded as a valuable medicinal plant.

Goose geese has remarkable healing properties, making drugs from it irreplaceable for a variety of diseases. The healing powers of a plant are related to the composition of the components that make up the plant.

Composition of cobweb

A complex of nutrients has been found in the plant, which have a beneficial effect on the state of human health.

  1. Fatty oils and starch are found in the carotene, which, splitting, turns into glucose and replenishes the body with energy.
  2. The quinic acid found in the plant regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood, shows an antipyretic effect.
  3. It has tannins, which have an astringent effect.
  4. In the composition of the cotton leaf, a vegetable protein is found, which contributes to the fight against obesity .
  5. Among the valuable microelements contained in the plant, you can identify zinc, the presence of which has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails and teeth, and also helps to fight against viruses and harmful bacteria.
  6. In the carotene found choline (vitamin B4), helping to relieve the vessels of cholesterol plaques and actively involved in carbohydrate metabolism.

It is worth noting that all parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes.

Another kind of plant is known to medicine: an erect ctenophore (kalgan), whose useful properties are even more pronounced, but there are also contraindications to taking the drug.

The use of cobweb

The treatment of diseases can be carried out using infusions, decoctions, alcohol tinctures both for oral and external use.

  1. Preparations of the plant are actively used to treat diseases of the digestive tract, diarrhea, dysentery.
  2. Effectively their use in dental problems and diseases of the oral cavity.
  3. Broths of cottonwood used to treat gout and rheumatism .
  4. Goose Goose actively manifests therapeutic properties in gynecology: its decoctions are used as haemostatic agents for severe uterine bleeding, pain with menstruation, and also a soothing agent for toxicoses during pregnancy.

In addition, the composition of the plant makes it possible to widely use its preparations for preventive purposes: Goose's goose eye is used to relieve spasms; its medicinal properties help to improve the blood composition, but it is also necessary to take into account the contraindications that drugs have: it is an individual intolerance and a tendency to form blood clots with a high level of blood coagulability.