Kalanchoe - treatment

Kalanchoe - succulent house plant, which at any time of the year has green leaves and shoots. They contain many useful substances. That is why they are used for the preparation of various medications.

Juicy Kalanchoe

If you have this plant at home, be sure to make juice from the leaves and stems of Kalanchoe - treatment with this remedy is effective for periodontitis, ulcers and wounds from necrotic tissues. It also helps cure bedsores and fistulas. Juice Kalanchoe - the best remedy for the treatment of sinusitis (acute and chronic), as it does not cause complications, characteristic for medical preparations that contain antibiotics. It should be dripped several times a day.

The recipe for the preparation of the Kalanchoe juice



Cut the stems and leaves of the plant and keep them for a week at a temperature of no higher than +10 degrees. Rub the raw material into a gruel with a wooden spoon. Using gauze, squeeze the juice and leave it for 2 days to precipitate. Finished juice diluted with alcohol.

To treat any diseases of Kalanchoe juice at home, it is necessary to take several layers of fine gauze and soaking them in it, apply a compress to the wound.

Ointment based on Kalanchoe

Ointment from Kalanchoe - an excellent tool for the treatment of varicose veins and tonsillitis of a chronic nature. It can be used in keratitis of various forms, injuries and erosions of the cornea, since it is low-toxic and does not irritate the mucous eye.

Recipe ointments from Kalanchoe for the treatment of ophthalmic problems



Mix Kalanchoe juice with lanolin. Add the vaseline to the resulting mixture and mix to a homogeneous mass. This ointment should be applied a thick layer several times a day. The course of treatment is approximately 6 days.