Beespine - medicinal properties and all secrets of application

Beespine is one of the products used in apitherapy. It has many useful properties, therefore it is used for healing various ailments. Like other beekeeping products, the spoil has contraindications. Before using it you need to weigh all the pros and cons.

Beespine - medicinal properties

It is the body of dead insects. The life span of honey bees in the natural habitat is 9 months. Winter insects live longer, and summer ones - less. The main weight of the beetle is collected by the beekeepers in the spring, when the hives are inspected. Such raw materials can not always be used for medicinal purposes, as often it is covered with mold in damp hives. Summer spoil has more value. Collect it is much more difficult than winter.

The useful properties of beeswax directly depend on which biologically active substances are present in the bodies of dead insects. This raw material serves as a source of such compounds:

To the protein components include such substances:

Apitoxin increases the tone of the body, improves sleep and appetite. In addition, it affects the qualitative composition of the blood, increasing the level of hemoglobin. Moreover, bee venom is characterized by high thermal stability. It retains its healing properties even after an hour of boiling. Its action is enhanced by heparin, which stabilizes blood pressure and improves the condition of blood vessels.

Melanin has a strong radioprotective effect. Only one molecule of this substance is capable of binding up to 20 of the same particles of lead or copper and removing them from the body. In addition, melanin in medicine has found application as an enterosorbent. He not only performs the role of an atonic agent, but also normalizes the microflora of the digestive system.

Chitin is a natural biopolymer. It is the source of the production of apizane (also chitosan). This substance has the following properties:

Beespine is rich in mineral compounds. It is the source of such elements:

Beespine - benefit and harm

This apiproduct has both positive and negative sides. Beespine - its benefits are manifested in such effects on the body:

Although bee podmor is very useful, it can cause harm to the body. This applies first to those who are allergic. Remains of pollen are kept in the sub-sea. They are aggressive allergens, therefore, before the treatment with this apiproduct should pass the test for individual tolerability. In addition, the following groups of people should abandon therapy with beeswax:

Beespine - application

The bodies of dead insects can be used alone or in combination with other apyproducts. At the second scheme of reception mutually amplified curative properties of the accepted "preparations". Knowing what dead bees are useful for a person, you can not only cure yourself of the disease, but also use this raw material as a preventive agent.

Valuable properties of this apyprodukta can manifest itself both with its external and with internal application. Treatment with bee soup provides for the use of such "drugs":

Beespine - tincture on alcohol application

This drug can be used for both internal and external use. Duration of therapy and dosage depend on the disease. Alcohol tincture of beeswax, the use of which differs depending on the type of disease, is used as follows:

  1. When you cleanse your body - a monthly intake . The procedure is recommended to be performed every six months.
  2. Treatment of adenomas and uterine myomas - therapy lasts a month. Here's how to drink bee shit: before eating with honey water. After a two-week break, the course should be repeated.
  3. Treatment of diabetes mellitus - it is recommended to take alcoholic tincture in therapy. The duration of admission is determined by the endocrinologist (it depends on the level of glucose in the blood ).
  4. In diseases of the joints, an alcohol warm compress is applied to the inflamed areas. The recommended duration of therapy is 3 weeks.

Tincture of bees on the vodka

This drug, like alcohol, can be used inside and outside. Beespine - a tincture on vodka is prescribed in such cases:

  1. To strengthen immunity and improve the body. The daily dosage is determined by the age of the patient. For example, 36 years - 36 drops. The daily rate is divided into 2 doses. The preventive course lasts for a month. It is recommended to conduct such strengthening procedures every six months.
  2. Antiparasitic therapy - daily for a month should take 25 drops of drug. You need to drink it after eating.
  3. When mastopathy - lubricate the breasts twice a day tincture. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to simultaneously take 1 tbsp. spoon of a drug three times a day.

Decoction of bee sandwich

The drug on a water basis effectively fights against various kinds of diseases. Dead bees are used to treat:

Ointment from bee

This "preparation" is used for external use. Its effectiveness is high. Dead bees - their use is due to the following effects on the body:

  1. Anti-inflammatory ability. Beespine can neutralize even those foci that lie deep beneath the skin. Ointments made on its basis are used in neuralgia, radiculitis, rheumatism, arthritis and other ailments.
  2. Regenerating effect. This is what treats bee pollen - burns, psoriasis, bruises, eczema, ulcers and bruises.
  3. Anesthetic property. Provided regular use of ointments, which contain bee fresh scum, there is a persistent cumulative effect.
  4. Impact on the blood. Tincture from dead bees on vodka is used with low hemoglobin and poor coagulability. It acts from within the body, and ointments - from the outside. They are used for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and so on.

Beef Podmore - recipes

The patient can buy ready-made preparations made on the basis of this apiproduct. If desired, such drugs can be manufactured at home. If treatment with bee soup is prescribed, recipes of "preparations" will help you to make them yourself. Medicines are easy to manufacture and are advantageously low in cost.

Beespine - recipes for the joints

In the treatment of these diseases apyproduktsiya can be used inside. More often, bee scum for joints is applied externally:

How to prepare a medicine from dead bees?


Preparation and use

  1. Wax, propolis and smalets must be melt in a water bath and mixed thoroughly.
  2. The composition should be enriched with crushed roots and bee subsporm.
  3. All carefully mixed and left for a couple of days in a cool, darkened place.
  4. Ready multicomponent ointment is applied to problem areas. The remaining product must be stored in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator.

Beeswax from prostatitis - recipe

Regular consumption of medicines based on this apiproduct has such an effect on the male body:

Alcohol tincture on dead bees


Preparation and use

  1. The dried corpse should be grinded with a coffee grinder into a powder.
  2. Bee "flour" should be covered in a bottle of dark glass, pour vodka and tightly cork.
  3. This compound should be insisted for 2 weeks in a dark place, periodically shaking the contents of the container.
  4. Take the medicine you need 20-25 drops twice or thrice a day after meals. Duration of treatment - 2-3 months.

Beespine with diabetes - prescription

The use of this apiproduct has the following effects on the body:

How to take a bee?


Preparation and use

  1. Taurus should be filled with vodka and insisted for a couple of weeks in a dark place.
  2. Drug filtered and poured into a bowl of dark glass.
  3. Take infusion of 0.5 teaspoon twice a day.

Beespine - recipes for oncology

Apiproduct has such an effect on the body:

Infusion of dead bees in the treatment of oncological diseases


Preparation and use

  1. Powdered shampoo pour vodka and stand for 3 weeks. Every 3-5 days the contents of the dishes should be shaken.
  2. Infusion filter. The daily dosage in drops corresponds to the age of the patient. Tincture at reception it is necessary to dilute with water in the ratio 5: 4.

Beef podmor for weight loss - recipe

The effect is achieved due to this effect:

Tincture from dead bees with losing weight


Preparation and use

  1. Raw materials are poured with vodka and stand for a month, periodically shaking the contents of the dishes.
  2. "Drug" is filtered and taken for 1 tsp three times a day. Therapeutic course is a month.