What is the name of Ulyana

Most people believe that the name Ulyana comes from the name of Julia. In this case, it will mean - "curly", "fluffy".

The origin of the name Ulyana:

There are several versions of the origin of the name Ulyana.

The first version says that Ulyana is only translated from the Latin language, the Russian form of the name Julia, which, in turn, is derived from the name of a very famous genus Julius.

The second version says that the name Ulyana could not have occurred on behalf of Julia, but is the translation of the name Juliana.

The third version claims that Ulyana is a Soviet name, derived from the Ulyanov family - the real name of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. This name was given to the girls in honor of the leader of the majority of Soviet citizens in the post-revolutionary period.

Character and interpretation of the name Ulyana:

In childhood, a girl named Ulyana, it is interesting to see any art and creativity in its different manifestations. She has been able to assess the picture from an early age, to form her own opinion about some direction in music or cinema. She likes to sing, draw, dance, has an actor's talent, writes poetry and prose. Usually, the girl chooses a quiet hobby - collecting, embroidery, knitting. The main qualities of character take over from the father, although outwardly, more often than not, it looks like a mother.

In the school of Ulyana, natural and humanitarian subjects are well given, but with exact sciences, there are often problems. In sports, Ulya, usually, achieves good success. She is appreciated first of all for her kindness and responsiveness. She is always ready to protect younger and weaker comrades.

Ulyana is extremely fair, this is one of the main features of her character. She will never behave selfishly or arrogantly towards other people. In communication, Ulya is simple, open and sincere. Very sensitive to the problems of other people, always try to at least help something. It is easy to pity her, because Ulyana is a very gentle person.

Ulyana treats herself strictly, extremely shamefaced and not very determined. Often, because of the reluctance to offend someone, it shows excessive delicacy. She does not accept violence and evil jokes, although she treats light humor well.

Usually, Ulyana, attractive externally. It feels charm and mystery. Ulya loves to look after herself and gives it a lot of time.

Work Ulyana chooses himself, most often, not connected with long business trips. She is very fond of spending time with her family at home. Ulya is very diligent and hardworking, thanks to which she achieves significant successes. The management and colleagues value it, above all, as a decent and honest person. To achieve this goal, this girl can apply remarkable stubbornness and will. Possessing these qualities, Ulyana, usually, early enough takes an official position.

In marriage, Ulya devotes a lot of time to creating coziness in the home and caring for her husband and children. She is very hospitable, perfectly prepares, and often collects at home all her friends and relatives. Home in the family is Ulyana, she tries to be independent of her husband, makes all decisions independently. From his wife Ulyana requires loyalty, will never forgive betrayal, in which case will sever all relations with her husband.

Interesting facts about the name of Ulyana:

The diminutive forms of the name Uliana-Lina, Yana, Liana have long become independent names.

Derivative from Ulyana name Yana, becoming an independent form, to date, more popular than the original source.

Name Ulyana in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Ulyana: Liana, Ulyanka, Ulyasha, Julianna, Juliania, Jana, Lulia, Julia, Juliana, Juliana, Ulya, Liana, Uljaha, Usia, Juliana, Lina

The color of the name Ulyana: orange, dark yellow, rich red

Flower of Uliana: lemon balm

Ulyana stone : amber

Nicky for the name of Ulyana / Ulya: Snail, Ulia, Jul, Julie, Curly, Pushinka, Dandelion, Una, Ulli, U.