How to lengthen eyelashes?

Fortunately, in modern cosmetology, there are many tools and methods that help to achieve the desired effect. Consider how you can lengthen your eyelashes.

How to lengthen eyelashes with mascara?

Mascara is the most common means, because it allows you to quickly lengthen the eyelashes. Due to the composition, which often includes microfibers, as well as the shape of a brush, when applying mascara to the tips of the eyelashes, a significant amount of paint remains, which makes them longer.

The disadvantage of this method can be considered that make-up is required to be washed off every evening, and in addition, some women may have an allergy to such remedies.

The most popular brands of lengthening mascara are:

The most high-quality and, accordingly, expensive products are:

Overhead and extensible eyelashes

False eyelashes used to be popular, but are now used by women much less often. They are not designed for prolonged wearing, but it is much more difficult to glue them properly than to use mascara. In addition, they do not always look natural.

In part, they were replaced by a build-up, the most popular tool for lengthening eyelashes. The procedure is usually performed in the salon and consists in gluing to your own eyelashes extra hairs or even whole beams. The method has become widespread, since it allows to lengthen eyelashes for a long time and simultaneously make them thicker.

How to lengthen eyelashes with folk remedies?

The use of such tools does not have an immediate effect, since they are all designed to strengthen the eyelashes and stimulate their growth. A clear advantage of them can be considered that as a result, the desired look gets their own eyelashes.

The most effective means for lengthening, strengthening and stimulating the growth of eyelashes are:

  1. Burdock and olive oil. They lubricate the eyelid along the line of eyelash growth.
  2. Herbal lotions. The best for such lotions are the decoctions of sage, chamomile, cornflower.

Mask with castor oil



All components are thoroughly mixed. Wadded disks, soaked in a finished mixture, are applied to the eyelids for 5-7 minutes, every day, after which the mask needs to be washed off. In its pure form, castor oil is not recommended, since the likelihood of allergic reactions is high.

In addition, in pharmacies and related stores you can buy special oils and whey to strengthen and stimulate the growth of eyelashes .