Leukoplakia vulva

One of the most unpleasant diseases in gynecology is leukoplakia. This is a special form of vulva disease, which is often considered a precancerous disease.

Leukoplakia vulva: causes

Most often leukoplakia genitalia develops against a background of chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane, various neuroendocrine, immune or metabolic disorders. As a rule, this disease affects women after forty years. The development of the disease can lead to papillomavirus, genital herpes, cervical dysplasia, various metabolic disorders (diabetes or obesity).

Leukoplakia vulva can occur against a background of hormonal failure in the female body. This is often associated with age-related changes in the menopause period, hyperthyroidism.

Signs of leukoplakia

This disease is a small spot of whitish color, which slightly protrude on the surface of tissues, often in the plural. Even when washed they remain. Leukoplasia of the genitals is a dystrophic process of the membrane, which is expressed in increased keratinization of the flat epithelium and subsequent sclerosis of the tissues.

Leukoplakia vulva has the following symptoms:

Leukoplakia vulva - treatment

Like any disease, vulvar leukoplakia can be treated with traditional medicines or traditional medicine. Treatment of leukoplakia of the vulva with a medicamentous method involves a comprehensive and systematic approach. The patient is immediately transferred to a dairy diet.

Local treatment is carried out using ointments or creams, vaginal balls with hormones and antiseptics. If this hormonal treatment, then prescribe medications with prednisolone, estrogen and androgen, estriol derivatives. In addition, a complex of vitamins and microelements is prescribed. Since it is necessary to treat leukoplakia of the vulva for quite a long time, in addition to drugs, various procedures are also prescribed. Prescribe ultraphonophoresis, oxygen therapy with modulation of rhythms of the brain. In the most difficult cases, the doctor resorts to surgical methods. This is excision of single lesions with a scalpel, radio-knife or laser removal.

Treatment of leukoplakia vulva is often attempted and folk remedies. Most often used decoctions of Veronica officinalis, which contains iridoids, flavonoids and tannins. The plant has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. According to the recipe, one tablespoon of the plant pour 1.5 cups of boiling water and insist for one hour. This infusion is consumed during the day in three divided doses.

Consequences of leukoplakia

If it is a flat form of the disease, then the process is reversible. Much more difficult, if it's a warty form. The fact is that erosive or warty forms are considered by experts as a precancerous disease. To prevent the appearance of the disease should be timely to correct the hormonal background of women, treatment of all associated diseases and metabolic disorders.