Endometrioid ovarian cyst - to remove or not?

Faced with such a disease as the endometrioid cyst of the ovary, many women are thinking: to remove it or not. The doctors answer to this question is unequivocal and positive. Let's take a closer look at this disease and understand why it is treated only operatively.

What is an endometrioid cyst?

This disorder belongs to one large group of diseases called endometriosis . The formation of the cyst itself begins with the appearance of an endometriotic focus localized on the surface of the ovary itself. As a result of the cyclic changes that occur during the menstrual cycle, there is an increase in the focus in size. Inside itself, the blood fluid begins to accumulate, which then forms a cyst.

How is the endometrioid cyst treated?

"Is it necessary to remove the endometrioid cyst of the ovary?" - a question that interests many of the fairer sexes who encounter such a violation. It arises, as a rule, in the form of fear of any kind of surgical intervention, which is inherent in many.

But, despite the presence of a psychological barrier, a woman must find the strength to overcome it. treatment of such a disease is possible only in an operative way. The thing is that taking hormonal drugs can only reduce the manifestations of the disease, but does not get rid of the cyst.

In an operation of this kind, a laparoscope is used, which makes it possible to significantly reduce recovery and postoperative period. In itself, this type of surgery is less traumatic, and thanks to the use of video equipment it helps to avoid injury to a number of located vessels and organs.

After a successful operation, a woman undergoes a course of hormone therapy, which facilitates the rapid restoration of endometrial tissue, and the development of the reproductive system as a whole.

Thus, when an endometrioid ovarian cyst is detected, a woman should not think about whether to remove it, and prepare herself, both morally and physically, for surgery.