Weak bladder in women - treatment

The treatment of such a violation, as a weak bladder in women, is quite long and involves complex therapeutic measures. The main manifestation of this disease is urinary incontinence and frequent urge to urinate. In view of the fact that many women are embarrassed to talk about this problem to someone, often they seek medical help after a long time after the appearance of the first symptomatology.

Who usually undergoes the disease?

According to medical statistics, about half of all adult women face this type of problem. However, it should be noted that the degree of impairment and the severity of the symptoms are quite different. Often, the disease develops in women in the postpartum period and during childbearing.

How is the treatment of a weak bladder in women?

First of all, doctors try to establish the cause of the violation. If it is caused by a change in the tone of the muscular apparatus of the bladder itself, exercises are prescribed according to Kegel.

Also, women are recommended to have a special diary, in which it is necessary to write down their entire diet, as well as the number of visits to the toilet. Based on these data, doctors will determine the cause of the disorder and develop a treatment technique.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the diet of such women and the products that make up the daily diet. So, doctors recommend eating more fibrous food, fiber: vegetables and fruits. The volume of liquid to be drunk must also be controlled - it should not exceed 2 liters per day.

To treat weak muscles of the bladder, doctors recommend that they train during a visit to the toilet. So, when urinating a woman enough to hold urine and count to three, and then continue urination. Repeat must first 10-15 times, increasing gradually the number of exercises.

In the treatment of a weak bladder, the following tablets can be used in women: sympathomimetics (Ephedrine), antidepressants (Dukolsitin, Imipramine), spasmolytics (Spasmox). All of them require medical appointment.