Sign: the dove knocks at the window

In ancient times it was believed that birds are the souls of dead people and they come to the house in order to convey some important information. Most of all, there is about pigeons, because these birds are considered a symbol of peace and happiness


There are several signs, the meaning of which depends on whether the dove is knocking at the window, or it flew into the house or just sat on the windowsill. Despite the fact that this bird is a symbol of spirituality, some signs have a negative meaning and even portend death.

Sign: the dove is beating in the window

Pigeons are considered birds that perform the work of postmen and can deliver messages around the world. Therefore, the dove knocking at the window informs you that it has a message. Determine whether it is good or bad should the person himself, taking into account other events in life and their own feelings.

Sign: pigeon hit the window

If the bird does not just knock, but hit the glass in flight, the sign has a negative character. But here it is worth considering the fact that the pigeon could accidentally touch the glass and then it has nothing to do with your family. If the bird beats out of the window again and again, then it means a quick death of one of the residents of the house.

Sign: the dove knocks on the window, and then flies into the house

This sign can be explained in different ways. For example, if a bird has something in its beak, then it means that good news awaits you in the future. On the other hand, if the window was not fully opened, or if a mosquito net is on it, but the bird still got into the house, unfortunately, in this case the bird is a harbinger of death.

Other signs and superstitions about pigeons:

  1. If the pigeon has settled in the courtyard of your house - this means that the family will be happy and peaceful. He will serve as a defender.
  2. A flock of pigeons sit for a long time on the balcony or cornice - in the near future do not expect any bad events and news.
  3. The weather is good outside, and the pigeons hid under the roof of the house or elsewhere - soon the weather will change for the worse.
  4. If the pigeon hammered at you, it means a sudden money profit.
  5. Near the house a white dove flies or knocks at the window - wait for matchmakers.
  6. If the wedding pigeons, which the newlyweds let go, flew in different directions, then the marriage will be unsuccessful. If the birds flew together, the marriage will be strong and lasting.
  7. Pigeons longly clean feathers - wait for precipitation.