Facing matting face wipes

Fat shine on the face is one of the main problems in the summer heat. It can appear only a few minutes after going out, so that nothing would prevent you from enjoying the summer, always carry a napkin with matting effect.

Advantages of matting face wipes

The T-zone suffers most from the fat gloss: the forehead area, the nose, the central region of the cheeks around it and the chin. Excessive sebum secretion can cause clogging of the pores, resulting in acne . That's why it's so important to eliminate fatty shine. Thanks to a special cream, which is included in their composition, matting facial tissues instantly:

Such a tool will not only not damage your makeup, but will also refresh it. In addition, matting wipes for oily skin have other advantages: they contain bactericidal additives, which will allow inflammation, they have no contraindications and they are stored in a sealed package that is convenient to carry.

Types of matting wipes

All napkins with a matting effect are divided into species according to the following categories:

  1. Ingredients filler - they can contain powder, aromatic additives or tannins, there are hypoallergenic species without flavors.
  2. Material - there are two types of napkin material: "paper" (from thin rice paper) and "film" (from a thin absorbent film).
  3. Packaging - wipes are produced in plastic, paper and rubber containers.

If you do not know how to use matting napkins, do not worry. Nothing is difficult in this. You just need to attach any kind of napkin to the shiny areas of the skin. Do not wipe, do not press, but just apply! All surpluses in just a few seconds are absorbed into the napkin. On it you will see spots, and your skin will become fresh.

How to choose a napkin with matting effect?

"Brilliant" enemy will be defeated only if you choose the right matting wipes. First, build on your skin type. Also, look at the strength and quality of the packaging, so that at the most critical moment they are safe.

What matting napkins are best, it is difficult to answer, because today almost every cosmetic brand produces several types of napkins. Lean on choosing the composition and cost.

The most popular matting facial tissues are:

  1. "Shiseido" - covered with absorbent powder, absorbing excess fat and refreshing the face. One napkin is enough for the whole face.
  2. "Clinique" - instantly absorb and remove fat due to microporous texture. Very compact: a package of 50 pieces in size resembles a case for business cards.
  3. "Cettua" - on each napkin is applied a special talcum, which absorbs fat.
  4. "Faberlic Young" - made of non-woven delicate material, they contain natural herbal extracts, so they smooth the surface of the skin and tone.
  5. "Oil-Control" from Shiseido - are sold in packs of 100 pcs, on one side impregnated with powder, which allows them to be used first for cleaning, and then for updating the make-up.

It is not recommended to use such napkins too often, replacing them with cosmetics for face cleaning or makeup removal, since they do not completely clean the skin and pores of dust remain in the pores, which leads to inflammation. In the composition of some napkins with matting effect, there are alcohol additives. They should be avoided, as with their contact with the skin, you can get a micro-burn.